New moms (of multiples)???

Hi there!! My name is Stacey, I'm 28 years of age, and I am the mother of 2 awesome 10.5 month identical boy twins. I was always "big". I was at my heaviest in 08 (249 lbs) down to 139 in 2010...stabilized/maintained in the 140's until my surprise pregnancy last year. Put on lots of poundage during my pregnancy, when I actually made an effort to lose weight again I was at 195 1/1/12. I'm down to 160 but I'm stuck in a rut (aka scale hasn't moved in over a month). My goal is to be at 139 again. Tons of clothes I can't fit in to and no extra money to buy a new wardrobe is a big part of my motivation lol.

I work FT M-F (usually 10-12 hrs a day I am away from home). When I am home, it's all about my boys. I can't seem to find time to work out and I'm always exhausted!!!!

Any new moms (or moms that lost all preggo weight) out there. This momma needs some motivation!!!!!!


  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    Wow - what a great accomplishment with your weight loss and with twins! I work FT M-F with no twins and still have a hard time finding an extra few minutes to workout. Jillian Michaels workout videos are only 24 minutes including warm up and stretching... maybe those would fit your schedule.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I dont have twins but i have 2 kids tat are 15 months apart. They are now 20 months and 5 months old. I am in nursing school full time.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    lol my twin boys are 18 and I still haven't lost all that weight.....:) Good job.. Put myself through nursing school, then had two single birth girls... So 18 years past and I have weight from all that.

    I am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts. Started at a gym and go everyday. I go after work. You have to make time or 18 years pass and you go "WTF?". I do understand though.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    My twin boys are 21 months, and now they're keeping me active enough to help get the weight off. ;) I too have mostly been overweight my whole adult life, other than anorexia taking me down to 125 ten years ago. I'd love to get back to that weight in a healthy way now. I'm back at pre-baby weight (AGAIN, lost it in the fall, then regained, then lost it again now) and I've got another 40lbs or so to go before I get to "goal." DH thinks I should stick to about 150, but I'd like to try for 130. Either way, I'm either half-way or a third through the journey. But it's better than nothing, and MFP has helped a ton!

    Feel free to add me for support! There is a Moms of Multiples group here as well.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    Wow - what a great accomplishment with your weight loss and with twins! I work FT M-F with no twins and still have a hard time finding an extra few minutes to workout. Jillian Michaels workout videos are only 24 minutes including warm up and stretching... maybe those would fit your schedule.

    Another vote for Jillian. I love her dvds. They helped me get rid of my mommy belly.
  • twinmom1993
    lol my twin boys are 18 and I still haven't lost all that weight.....:) Good job..

    i have 18 yr old twin boy and girl... gained more weight after they were born than i did during pregnancy... but im getting it off!!!!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Amazing job on your previous weight loss! You'll be back to your goal before you know it.

    I have 18 month boy/girl twins. I stay home though, so your workout challenges are a bit different than mine. I'm home all day, so I just have hubby watch them when he gets home so I can go run. Being away from them all day, I'm sure you want to spend every minute you can with those sweet boys when you get home. Maybe you could check into getting a double jogging stroller and take them for a walk/jog. I bet they'd enjoy the ride with mommy and you'd definitely get a workout pushing a 40lb+ stroller and 30lb+ babies :) Someone else mentioned Jillian Michaels videos. I know 30 Day Shred is under 30 minutes. Maybe you could squeeze that in after babies are in bed.

    You're doing great! Look how far you've come. Keep it up and don't get too discouraged. It may take a while, but you know that if you stay consistent, your body has to give in eventually....that's what I keep telling myself anyway :)
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    lol my twin boys are 18 and I still haven't lost all that weight.....:) Good job..

    i have 18 yr old twin boy and girl... gained more weight after they were born than i did during pregnancy... but im getting it off!!!!

    feel your pain! lol. dang you metabolism!
  • rhodakw
    rhodakw Posts: 5 Member
    I am a mom to 6 month old twin girls. Would love to befriend some other momma's especially moms of multiples to help motivate each other to lose weight and live healthy. Please add me if you are interested.