Couch to 5k day 1

I finished my first day of couch to 5k!!! Feel great and can't wait to run tomorrow also! I also realized that although today was a little can only get easier! A happy thought :)


  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    Congrats! I've just learned about this today and am looking to start it.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    I did my first day today also! :)
  • It's a nice way to start running! The one I have I run for 1 minute and walk to 1 1/2 minutes 8 times, so theres a nice break after running:)
  • Mandysc
    Mandysc Posts: 33 Member
    I started Monday and can't wait to start jogging longer than just a minute or two at a time!! Can only get better from here!!
  • KH9107
    KH9107 Posts: 39 Member
    Good job!!! Keep it up :happy:
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    This makes me wanna get home and run so I can join the c25k club starting today!
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I just started week 6 this week . . . I started probably 8 or more weeks ago because I've been re-doing weeks that are particularly hard. This is THE BEST program for a beginner! I remember huffing and puffing through the first 60 seconds, now I'm going 8+ minutes just fine! You can do it, too!

    Congrats and keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I share this little story of my experience, not to discourage you, but to encourage you if you find the C25K isn't working for you or you encounter a setback.

    I started the C25K program back in June after having quit smoking for a couple of months and doing a lot of walking (35-40 miles per week) and stair climbing.

    Day one was hard but I got through it, took my rest day and did day 2. That is when I felt a little pain in my shin. I wasn't too bad so I finished my "run" and went on about my day. Within a few hours I couldn't walk. After going to the doctor it was discovered that I had stress fractures in both my tibia. It was kind of a perfect storm for me due to decades of smoking (apparently this is bad for you and your bones), crappy running shoes, and at that point still about 50 pounds overweight.

    The doc made me take 2 months off running while I healed but said I could bike all I wanted as long as it didn't hurt. I stated biking like crazy and I mean I was pushing myself to where I would get winded and high heart rate. After the two months off of running I resumed my walks and threw in a few short jogs with the plan that I would start the C25K again soon. Except I found I didn't need to. All of a sudden, now about 25 lbs lighter and farther removed from smoking I could just jog 5 miles. Slow as hell but I could do it.

    Now I am training for my first half marathon next month which will be almost exactly 6 months after quitting smoking. I have worked probably harder than most and have astounded myself with the results. If that sounds like a brag, well maybe it is. But what I really want people to know is that you can't ever give up. We all have obstacles and setbacks but if you are determined and refuse to give up you can amaze yourself.

    Good luck with C25K. Set some goals, log you workouts, measure your improvements.
  • deybop
    deybop Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats, I started a similiar couch to 5k program and it worked wonders. My 5k is in october and i am currently running 3miles no problem just workin on my time! Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am on week 6. I remember the feeling. I love C25K! Great job! Keep it up!
  • Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to post when I get to the higher weeks:)
  • ksnegirl
    ksnegirl Posts: 85 Member
    i just downloaded an app on my phone that tells you when to walk/run. I'm so excited to try it!
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    It definitely gets better. I just started Week 4 today. (5 minute jogging intervals) I look forward to my 'run days' now.

    I'm looking to sign up for a 5k now. And its looking like it will be at Disney World.. a "Fun Run". I can't wait! Disney also has a half marathon that runs thru all the parks (if I recall correctly) and ends at the Epcot food & wine fest!.. so that is definitely my goal for next year! :happy:
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I started another plan that actual starts you off a little slower. I will lay it out. You do each one 3 times a week with a day in between each.

    Wk 1- Walk 4 min, jog 1, repeat 3 times (20 min)
    Wk 2- Walk 3 min, jog 2, repeat 4 times (25 min)
    Wk 3- Walk 3 min, jog 2, repeat 5 times (30 min)
    Wk 4- Walk 2 min, jog 3, repeat 4 times (25 min)
    Wk 5- Walk 2 min, jog 3, repeat 5 times (30 min)
    Wk 6- Walk 1 min, jog 3, repeat 7 times (32 min)
    Wk 7- Walk 1 min, jog 4, repeat 6 times (35 min)
    Wk 8- Walk 1 min, jog 4, repeat 7 times (40 min)

    I finished week one, but havent gotten to week two due to back issues. Going to pick it back up next week.
  • what is couch to 5k?:indifferent:
  • amy4586
    amy4586 Posts: 96 Member
    Stick with it! It gets easier! I used to dread jogging, now I really enjoy it and I am up to 2.25 miles (my first 5K is Thanksgiving morning!)
  • Couch to 5k is an app that helps people get into running but at a slower pace. So instead of just going outside and running, there is weekly routine. So for mine, week 1 I start by walking for 5 min then I run for 1min and walk for 1 1/2 min 8 times then cool down with a 5 min walk. The app that I have is nice cause it'll interrupt my music to tell me when to start running and when to walk.
  • omgamg
    omgamg Posts: 7 Member
    I just started tonight too :-)
    I tried it earlier this year but I was getting terrible calf trouble. Anyway I'm giving it a go again, 19lbs lighter than I was last time and with generic orthotics in my runners, so hopefully it will go better this time. I found it tough but I travelled a longer distance than I did my first night 6 months ago. Am hoping to do a 5k before the year is out but am not saying anything to family/friends in case I don't get to do it.

    Best of luck everyone
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Congrats! I did day 1 last night and felt really good! Can't wait to finish it. There is also a really great app if you have a smart phone called C25K Free. It keeps the time and tells you when to run, walk and how much time is left etc.
  • Jormesher
    Jormesher Posts: 46 Member
    I just started week 4. Can't wait to sign up for a 5K during Thanksgiving break. I am hoping to do it with all of my family before we have our big meal. :D
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