Gym or nature


Recently, I bought a Wii Fit Plus. I have the Jillian Michaels game (it works the beegees outta ya) and the regular Wii Fit game. I absolutely love it. After about a week of having it, I went and cancelled my gym membership. Its been about a month and now I am regretting that decision. Don't get me wrong...I still work out with the Wii Fit, but not as much as I did in the beginning. I kinda miss the gym's treadmill and bikes. BUT I don't miss the monthly memebership price and the 15 minute drive and in traffic 30 minutes. There is another gym MUCH closer to my house; however, it is 20 a monthly more than the other gym. Is the need to be in a gym simply in my head? Do I just need to commit more time to the Wii FIt? Do I need to get off my lazy booootay and go for walks around the neighborhood or local park/elementary school track? Soooo confused....LOL

Any suggestions?


  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    True to my handle....Nature. It is free, it will put you in a better mood, give you a better work out, toughen you up when the weather is less than perfect, and you don't have to sit in traffic. Although it's a good idea to look out for traffic. It's REAL.

    I saw three shooting stars on my run this morning, try getting that at a gym. (I also got frostbite, but that has more to do with me not preparing properly)
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    For me, I lack the disicpline to work out at home and I also like the "social" aspect of a gym. Maybe find someone to work out with you and the Wii Fit?? They can also hold you accountable to working out.
  • Kirst30
    All I would say is that "variety is the spice of life" when it comes to exercising... varying your activities can keep your interest levels, thus encouraging you to get up of your bum and get into gear!

    As much as I think the Wii Fit is a great resource (however limited my knowledge of it is), there is nothing better than getting out of the house and into the fresh air for a good power walk to work up a sweat. Not only for exercise reasons, but a half an our brisk walk in the outdoors will put some colour in your cheeks, which can't be a bad thing!

    Hope you manage to find a routine and selection of activities that work for you! Try and find a walking pal too, to boost motivation!

  • mirandagem
    mirandagem Posts: 7 Member
    I've lost about 50 lbs by jogging in place while I watch tv and doing floor aerobics. I would kill for a WiiFit.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Have th Wii, was doing really well on it then I dislocated my kneecap playing my daughters dance game on it, lol, no I have to go slower, kind of put the wii to thie side and out for walks where i live, its slow and steady, plus the view is amazing!

    Keep up your efforts with whatever you decide to use and you will reach your goals!!
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    i say work out at home since you have the resources to do so. and go outside when the weather permits.

    take the money you were going to spend on the gym membership, put it in savings, and buy you a new wardrobe when you lose your weight!