Meal Planning

This is day 21 of my journey to be healthy and fit. Does anyone have any ideas about meal planning? I tried to journal my food ahead of time with the intention of "tweaking" it before I hit "complete entry". Really time consuming. Is there a better way? Or am I just being a whiner? I think I could stay on track better if I got up in the morning and had a plan. Ideas? Thanks :grumble:


  • I find it refreshing and toplan my meals but then I crave. I am new to here but befor I came here I was over 300 lbs and now I am 277. I find cooking in bulk is good for a diet and buying fresh veggies makes food taste better.
  • beefoutz
    beefoutz Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much for replying Kar, I have tried replacing my white potatoes, rice, or pasta with another vegetable that's been helpful for me. I haven't tried cooking in bulk, but that's a really good idea. I love to cook and there's less temptation when you have something good for you ready!:smile:
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    I usually log as I go. Work days I try to log before leaving the house so I know what I'm going to be eating. Good thing about the iPhone app, it remembers your entries for your meals and if it's a repeat meal, just scroll through or use the code bar scanner, it helps alot for the processed foods.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I plan my meals the night before, after I've had dinner and am feeling full. I take my schedule into consideration and try to do what I can to get my breakfast/lunch ready in the evenings. Convenience usually wins out over the munchies, so if all I have to do is pop my breakfast into the blender or microwave, I'm more likely to stay on track. Ditto with lunch.

    By planning the evening before, I also am able to take a quick inventory of my kitchen and use up my fresh foods first and/or plan a trip to the grocery store.

    Mostly, I am able to stay on track by telling myself one day at a time. Junk food will be there tomorrow, if I should want it. Today I am going to eat according to my plan.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I log as I go and I am lucky enough that I'm able to walk home for lunch most days :) On days that I can't walk home, I just write down what I ate and when I get home I log it in. I do not plan the day before, I know that would not work for me. When I'm walking home for lunch I think about what I have at home and what sounds good.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I grocery shop and cook on the weekends and then just make fresh veggies during the week to go with whatever I made. I also eat a lot of the same things, so there's not much planning to it. It encourages me to eat out less, altho I do eat lunch out most days. I use the iPhone app to log throughout the day so that I keep up with everything even if I'm away from the computer.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    There's another topic in one of the other boards on this exact same thing.

    This article really helped me when I started out.
  • Rmazula
    Rmazula Posts: 58 Member
    I used to log as I go, but I find it easier to stay within my calories when I plan out my meals including snacks and if I need to change things I will.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I am in sales and have to keep healthy foods and water in my cooler in my car to prevent from getting too hungry. I will pre-plan my breakfast and afternoon snack. Tonight, I packed my lunch and afternoon snack for tomorrow and went ahead and logged it. That way, I know I can eat everything in my bag and I know I have food if I get hungry. It is reassuring to me that I have food!! LOL!! So tomorrow, I have my breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack all in my tracker and I know I have about 400 to 500 cal to eat when I get home.....which will be like 8ish tomorrow night. Look at my diary if you are interested in seeing what I eat....I also have my i-phone so if I haven't pre-planned lunch I have my phone with me to log my lunch if I haven't ahead of time.

    I hope this helps! I love this site...the more you do it, the more efficient you will get and it won't be so time consuming!
  • StonesUnturned
    StonesUnturned Posts: 94 Member
    If you are using the online site to log, are you making fuIl use of the "Quick Tools" options? For example, I eat almost the same breakfast every day, so I will usually just "Copy from date", pick the most recent one and then alter as needed (delete/add a different fruit usually).
    You can also use the "Remember Meal" option, which is what I generally do for lunches because I have about 4 or 5 standard lunches. I will pick one on Sunday and make enough for the work week and I know that's what I'm having every day. So I can just go to "Add food", click on the "My Meals" tab and pick whichever I'm having and all the foods will show up. You can adjust amounts or delete things if you've somehow altered the meal this time around.
    Snacks are usually only one or two foods for me and easy to log, so I log everything up through my afternoon snack in the morning before I leave for work, leaving dinner open-ended in case anything unexpected comes up during the day or I get inspired to make something in particular on the way home. I don't have a smart phone, so I find this works best for me most of the time.
    I think you are totally on the right track though. I once read that weight loss is an exercise in logistics and I think that's really been true for me. When I have a plan, everything's fine. And since MFP remembers what you use most frequently or most recently, it gets easier as you've been on longer and develop patterns and favourite "go to" things.
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    I plan my meals for the entire week on a Saturday and I base them on what the kids schedule is that week. Then when I go grocery shopping I shop based on what I am cooking that week.. I have also grilled chicken on the weekend and tossed hamburgers on the grill and then we warmed those up later in the week, which saved time.

    I also try to come up w/ meals that are quick and then re-use them a few weeks later as on some days we only have an hour before young son gets off the bus and one daughter has to be at dance - which then leads young son to band and the other daughter to swimming....
  • What works best for me is planning! On a Thursday / Friday I sit down and plan out on a laminated sheet the main meal for each day of the next week starting on the Saturday and from there I then write up my shopping list. The meals aren't set in stone and I do change them around if I need to. They are mostly the same sort of thing each week and I base them on how much time I have each night to cook and prepare dinner. Like on a tuesday night I do an aqua class and don't get home till 7pm so we have pasta and a veggie sauce which is quick and easy.

    I write up my food diary on MFP the night before and just tweak it during the day when I am at work. I am lucky enough to be able to access it online at my desk and I find this helps focus me a bit more.

    I do try to batch cook, most of the time there is just 2 of us at home so I cook a chilli and freeze half for a night when I need an emergency meal. It is always best having something quick to hand for when you get the munchies!

    Hope this helps!
  • Yeah, the freezer is your friend. I batch cook everything I make whether it's bolognese, gumbo, stew, soup, whatever. Anything that works okay when defrosted and reheated, even down to cheese sauce and stocks. Whenever I cook I make a huge batch, enough for between five and twelve meals for the two of us, and put everything into the recipe function on here which works out the nutrition information per portion. It means I've always got something in the freezer and they're quick to log because the difficult work has already been done when I did the cooking.

    I also plan my weekly meals on a Saturday morning before I do the weekly shop. I know what I have in the freezer and I only buy what I need for the week. It's much better than the random impulse buying of food I used to do on the way home from work. (Weirdly, getting a car at the start of the year has made me healthier, not fatter!)

    I cook six nights of the week and I have a cheat day on a Friday when my wife cooks. She has free reign to buy whatever she fancies and I get the double bonus of knowing I've eaten well the rest of the week and not having to actually cook a meal for a change.

  • beefoutz
    beefoutz Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the great ideas!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    Show us your menu plans for the week.