37 year old SAHM really needs support!

I committed to getting healthy on July 30, 2012. I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful 1 year old girl. We spent 8 years with fertility treatment and after being told that we would never have a child of our own, we got pregnant naturally. Everyday is a challenge to just find time to breath much less everything else I am asking of myself. I really need a supportive group that can help me stay on track. I have 89 pounds to lose. It is so hard to admit that but I have to get past the shame and just do it. Send me a friend request if you have the time.


  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Hey sister!
    First, huge huge congrats on your baby girl! That is so awesome! My daughter is a year and a half now, and I love every day with her. I'm trying to get back into shape so I can be the best mom I can, and MFP has been a great place of support. Feel free to add, I try to log on every day, and I belong to a couple of great mom groups on here.
  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    Fee free to add me
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I have added you both. Thanks!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Sent you a request with a note!
  • I sent you a request as well. I am a SAHM and we all need all the support we can get!
  • I'm a stay at home mom of school aged kids... is that alright?
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    What a blessing! I've waited 16 years to get pregnant. Just when we were planning to adopt, I got pregnant! My first one, I was 39...my second one I was 42. Never in my wildest dreams that I will get pregnant not one but bless with two healthy kids. Physically tired...yes. That's why it's so important for me to get healthy for them. Totally understand you. Welcome to MFP!
  • Add me too! I am a 32 year old Mother of twin girls....we spent over 6 years trying to get pregnant, and then got pregnant with twins our first IVF cycle. I'm here if you need anyone to talk to!!:heart::heart:
  • I have 2 kids, a 4.5 year old and a 17 month old. You can do it! For the past 2 weeks I started eating right and tracking my food on here. Just today I started exercising. I have some workout DVDs and I came home right after work and did it.

    Last year I was running and I did that at 5am. I will have to get my workouts in at that time as well. Today was a fluke.

    We can do it, it's hard, but rewarding.
  • Right there with you! I have a very busy life, and now hitting a plateau and getting discouraged, will add if ok. Sue
  • kenjancef
    kenjancef Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a SAHD... is that ok??? My 5-year-old son just started Kindergarten, so while he's in school I find the time to work out. Feel free to add me if you want a dad's point-of-view.. lol... :)
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    I'll send you a request. I'm a 32 yr old mama of three. One set of twins who just started school and a three year old. We went through fertility struggles to get the twins and then got a surprise extra. This journey of weight loss is tough but also awesome. You will feel so accomplished and have more energy very soon!
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    FR sent.
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    Feel free to add, I'm a SAHM to three teenagers. Anybody else can feel free to add.