Insanity Buddies Wanted



  • I am doing Insanity. Please add me as well. I lost 31 pounds with turbofire and have moved to Insanity. I need motivation.
  • I have done one round of insanity. Will be starting 2nd round on Monday again. I lost a few inches the first time but no weight. Hoping this round will see some great results.
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    I just started a couple of days ago. I've done one month of insanity a few months ago. Feel free to add me.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I am finishing month one this week! Anyone doing Insanity feel free to add me with a little note :)

    I also blog my experience every day, so anyone who wants to know what they're in for can feel free to look ahead:
  • Wow! I needed to get motivated b/c I've had the Insanity DVDs for months and have not started yet. I will start tomorrow. Someone please hold me accountable.
  • I have done Insanity myself before! I am doing Turbofire now, but thought we could still help motivate each other! Loved Insanity!!
  • I am just finishing week 4 so recovery week begins sunday for me. Anyone can add me if they'd like. We can all use a little more support and motivation along the way.
  • Finishing up an insanity/P90X hybrid this. Will be doing another round soon!!