I need help!

I am a single mom of two children. I work part-time and go to school full-time! By the time I get home after cooking and doing homework. I am exhausted!!! Can anyone help me with getting started with exercising and how to stay motivated?


  • tayg30
    Add me if you would like!! I would love to help!!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I have found that if I wait to do my workouts when no one else needs me, that I am to tired to take care of me. The best thing you can do is find a time for just you. Stick to it, life gets easier with "me" time. I have to workout in the morning but belive me I am no morning person. I love my off days when I can sleep in. If you can call it sleeping in when you have kids. :) plus pick a workout you love, I am doing turbo fire. It's dancy and kickboxing mixed. LOVE IT! The company is beachbody and you can find more info out about it there. ;) add me if you like I'm pretty new to MFP
  • skeeter2584
    skeeter2584 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello, mocha. If you are a college student, see if your university has some kind of fitness center that you can use for free. If not, see if you can find a stairwell that is out of pedestrians' way. That way, you could do step aerobics or run up and down the stairs if you have free time between classes. If you want to start with a low-intensity exercise, a 30 minute walk around your campus might be a good way to go. While you're at work (and school, for that matter), try to avoid the elevator as much as possible. By taking the stairs, you're giving yourself no choice but to exercise. If you only walk up and down stairs for 3 minutes at a time but do it 10 times a day, that's 30 minutes of aerobic exercise right off the bat!!! Best wishes for better health! :smile:
  • rnjive
    Do you guys have WII? They have several programs that work nicely. You work out is done before you know it and it didn't kill you
  • buttet2
    buttet2 Posts: 1 Member
    Sweeping, mopping and doing yard work burnes quite a few calories. There's an online calculator for those things. Check it out.
    Good luck to you.
  • mormadu1
    Wow, that's a lot on your plate! I just finished school and worked full time as well. I have two kiddies and but I also had a great husband, that handled the fort when i was at class. I can understand not being motivated, it's hard. By the time you get done with the kids homework, cleaning and then your own homework; you're exhausted. But I realized I am worth 30-35 minutes a day; you can plan your day in the time or day dream about all the time you are going to have once you graduate. Don't worry about the sacrifice of time, your kids will understand and be proud of you. So plan for when they don't need you so much. Walk at lunch, or around the block when they are in bed (depending on their age). Put some head phones on and dance around the living room. Whatever you do, make it a ritual. You deserve it!