Ideas for control after dinner?


I've always had a tendency to snack especially at night after dinner. I've tried to take better control over my after dinner snacks, and it is definitely a whole lot better than it was. However, I notice now that by the end of the day I am usually below my calorie goal by about 100-300 calories, and I always tend to want a snack after dinner since I'm so used to having one. So I indulge in a snack, but I tend to go to far and end up over my calorie goal by 100-200 calories whether that means having seconds at dinner and then eating a snack to put me over or eating enough at dinner and ending up having two or three snacks. I feel like this is detrimental to my weight loss goals and would like any ideas to help me stop eating after dinner if I'm not hungry or to stick to one snack if I have the calories left. I have tried the "brush your teeth after dinner" trick, and it didn't work for me :( It's like immediately after dinner I want something sweet. Ideas?


  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Go to sleep
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    heres 2 ideas a
    1.have a cup of tea here area some amazing teas out there now indulge a little and try a new tea shop (my favorite is David's Tea, Iove that I can buy a little bit of loose tea to "try" it once and decide if I like it.)
    2. just shut off the lights and walk away I know that is my problem if I go back into the kitchen that is my downfall.

  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Healthy snacks that are high in protein are key. 100 Calorie Pack Almonds, Egg Whites, Tablespoon and peanut butter on low cal bread, a few slices of turkey, a 100 calorie veggie burger, some avacado, hummus with carrots, fruit, veggie, a small salad with low cal dressing... I sometimes make a little pizza type thing on Joseph's Flax Tortillas with fat free cheese a little pizza sauce and some peppers and onions and put it in the toaster oven on broil...normally that satisfies me. I eat a lot late night. Sometimes I even eat a smaller snack at dinner time and eat a later dinner so I can stay within my calories without getting to hungry at night
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    If I'm hungry I'll have something to satiate my hunger. (I'm usually under cals anyway though.) Pudding or jello is pretty low cal as are many snack foods that you can find on the nutritious side. (Not getting into opinions of nutrition just stating that those choices are better than say chips or cake.)
    Because it doesn't have any effect on my sleep, I like to indulge in a cup of coffee with flavored creamer. (Again, some don't think creamer is a good choice either, but its a personal choice. LOL)

    You can do will find a substitute for what I like to term "naughty snacking". :wink:
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I have been having the opposite problem.. not eating enough to satisfy my calories (+ breastfeeding calories + workout calories- though I don't eat back the workout calories) and then an interesting thing happened today- I found myself hungry and eating dinner around 5:30.. and I was already near my original calorie goal. And then I realized.. I hadn't had a protein shake. Usually I have at LEAST one protein shake (I use one scoop of whey protein (93 calories, 20 g protein) with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, 30 calories, blended w/ frozen strawberries of ice or some other fruit if I have it on hand for a grand total of around 150-180 calories).

    THAT was the only change in my intake today versus other days.. so after dinner (around 7) I went ahead and had my protein shake (I was still under my calories for the day). So my suggestion- eat more protein during the day or incorporate a shake as a snack or after dinner dessert. Blending the vanilla whey powder with frozen fruit and almond milk tastes like strawberry frozen yogurt- or heck add in some yogurt and I'm sure it'd be even better! Eating more fiber throughout the day may help with satiety as well...
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Start counting your days calories at supper time. What every you" over eat "after supper has to come out of your morning and lunch on the next day.
    Who cares when you eat the calories just do not go over in the 24 hour day.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    water water might always be in the bathroom but I've been so full of water my calorie limit is under everyday...
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Cup of tea or mug of low calorie hot chocolate can help.. flavoured coffee is a nice "desserty" kinda evening thing. Frozen fruit in yogurt can be a good snack.
    Another option is just brush your teeth! Having a nice clean minty taste in your mouth can sometimes deter you away from bad snack choices..
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I make homemade protein bars. My favorite ones are Jamie Eason's pumpkin bars.
    I save them for the end of the day and have them after I workout at night. They are like having a treat.

    I also bought some different flavors of the Extra Dessert sugar-free gum. You can get Mint Chocolate Chip, Strawberry Shortcake, Root Beer, Orange Dream, etc... that also helped me keep away from snacks.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    i love eating at night so what i do is eat light through out the day then i have more than enough calories for dinner and after dinner snacks/desserts. usually when i eat a "normal" breakfast i'm just hungry alll day so that doesn't work for me. good luck!
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    If I have a small snack at night, I enter it into mfp BEFORE I eat it, and I adjust the portion until the number of calories is acceptable. Then, I carefully measure or weigh out that portion, put it in a little bowl for myself, and sit and eat it. No way to screw up and eat too much then.

    But my main defense is just keeping busy at night, and going to bed early. You're snacking because you're bored!
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Start counting your days calories at supper time. What every you" over eat "after supper has to come out of your morning and lunch on the next day.
    Who cares when you eat the calories just do not go over in the 24 hour day.
    Hey, I thought I was the only one who did that?! Cool. Yep, works great.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    The time that you eat doesn't really matter. Save 300 calories and eat an after dinner snack. It's not going to hurt anything.
  • ready4fit
    gum! and water lol and maybe low calorie snacks?
  • icreate
    veggie broth
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I like to drink chamomile tea and cut up an apple in several peices, this fills me up and takes a while, I hear ya, I'm a nighttime snacker too.
  • ewarchol
    Whenever I feel tempted, this is what I do:
    1. drink lots of water (rather be full of water than food)
    2. eat an apple, only about 80 calories and it's sweet enough that you won't crave sweets after (sprinkle with cinnamon for added yum).
    3. I agree with the tea idea, especially with all the variety! I have a coconut green tea that always satisfies my dessert cravings as it's so yummy!
    4. Brush your teeth, and floss them; once they're clean you don't want to dirty them again and have to brush them again!
    5. Go to bed!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    skinny cow ice cream bar about 150 cals, very dark chocolate (70-80%) couple of square, SF jello,
    if you have 300 cals left try 1 cup almond milk (or 1% milk), 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use Body Fortress at walmart), and 1 1/2 cups frozen peaches (or strawberries, mango, blueberries, whatever frozen fruit you like), put in blender, add fruit slowly, makes about 2.5 cups of yum! I'm a BIG eater (over 2100 cals a day), and this really fills me up!
  • cheaton13
    cheaton13 Posts: 16 Member
    I suggest having some sweet options that are good for you. I saw someone mention a protein shake mixed with berries. Or, berries and a light cool whip. Whatever it is that is going to satisfy that sweet craving is good to have on hand. I have found that if I eat something that is just OK or doesn't satisfy the craving I go back for more in order to fulfill the craving. Then I end up eating way too many calories in a short amount of time!
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    I've been playing with when I eat. If I don't eat a good lunch with a solid hit of protein, then the rest of the day it's hard for me to stay focused. I try to have my whole grains whether it's quinoa or brown rice then. If I eat a lunch like that, I got all the energy I need for my 6pm workout and after I get home and have supper, I don't have the urge to snack.