****... totally just had an emotional eating moment!!

Bad bad day at work, daughter in the ER with a broken hand and my emotions are everywhere, so where do i turn?? my refrigerator!! Geesh... what is wrong with me??? why don't i learn???


  • bethanyrmiles
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Old habits die hard AND you can make up for it tomorrow. Just be contentious about what you eat tomorrow, or do more in the exercise department. But if you beat yourself up about it you are more likely to stress yourself out even more and then continue to do the emotional eating.

    I also struggle with emotional eating moments. or days or weeks. It happens to stress eaters. Just remember that you can't be perfect everyday and sometimes, well life gets hard and you need to comfort yourself. I am not justifying the eating binges but remember it is a slow process to break those cycles we have spent our entire lives to create. A lot of people have a "cheat day" and one day or one evening is not going to make or break your progress. Be a gentle with yourself. You will get there. Don't create more stress for yourself right now. Good luck!
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    Been there, done that. Don't beat yourself up...these things happen. Just begin again tomorrow. It's a new day. I hope your daughter is okay.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    This was me today.. I have ridiculous guilt immediately following.
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    we all turn to the fridge was sad/depressed...so make sure you try to fill it with the best stuff that you can... :)
  • sarahsummers12
    sarahsummers12 Posts: 128 Member
    We all have those moments.. so don't be too hard on yourself! Look at the great job and all the weight you've lost - you didn't do that by accident - you know what to do and how to be good - so just write today off and back at it tomorrow :-D
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I was having an "out of sorts" day the other day and was thinking of having a piece of biscuit however I decided not to. Then something happened (I can't remember what) and next thing I'm chewing on 100 calories of biscuit. And as I was chewing I remember thinking "but I didn't want that biscuit"! LOL And one of my better moments was a couple of days ago when I could have easily worked through a whole block of chocolate on my own without coming up for air and instead I had some cold cooked potato and beetroot and it was yummy plus it kept me going until tea time. I suppose this means I'm getting there lol. And you've come such a long way that I'm sure this little "episode" was a rarity. Don't hit yourself over the head about it, we all have slip-ups and in the larger scheme of things, this wasn't too bed. If you have a sweet tooth like me, then give yourself a small quantity of sugar/chocolate/cake/biscuit every day to satisfy it. Artificial sweeteners don't help this one unfortunately. Good luck!!

    I hope your daughter is feeling a bit better now. My daughter broke both her arms, yes that's right both of them, when she was 5 years old and again, yes again LOL when she was 13. I dreaded when she turned 21 LOL. She will be 29 in January but at least if she causes damage to both of them AGAIN, her husband can look after her. YUSSSSS :-)