How often to you weigh yourself?



  • Momma2Beauties405
    I do weigh myself every morning. Just to see how the previous day has affected me. But I only record my weight once a week.
  • tilliesmom9
    Every time I walk by a scale. Sometimes 10 x a day. :/
  • mariapap90
    I weigh myself every morning. I find it's much easier to tweek my diet, and my eating habits if I know the day-to-day impact my diet has on my weight.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Every two weeks. Daily fluctuations freak me out and I can't reason my way out of it. Weight loss and fitness, for me, is more of a mind game than anything else.
  • YouCanCountOnBunnies
    I try and keep it to once a week, on Saturday morning. That way I am blissfully unaware of the little fluctuations that you see if you weigh yourself more often. In between I measure my success by how I feel in my clothes, and how much energy I have.