HELP, I'm still FAT!!!

Hey MFP,

I see alot of success stories and I noticed that most of the post state that their weight came off fast in the beginning then it started to slow down after losing 30lbs or more. Well, it seems like I'm the opposite. I've been working out between 4-5 times a week and eating between 1200-1450 calories a day consistenly for 3 months and so far only a 9lbs loss. Even with that my body flucuates between 3-5 lbs.

To explain my body type I'm 5'8 at about 290 (I can't believe I just typed that). I am very solid in shape so I don't have a lot of loose fat so I'm very dense. My weight is pretty proportioned so I tend to look smaller than I weigh. I have noticed some changes in my waistline (slighty) and my pants are looser but I whenever I loose weight it tends to go in my waistline first.

Are there any MFPer's out there who have my similar body type or proplem that can give me some advice? My eating habits aren't the best but I have cut my old calorie intake (2500 - 3000 cals) nearly in half and adding fruits and vegetables. My workout consists of 1 hour and a half boot camp twice a week, 1 hour of Spin once a week, Zumba once a week, then another boot camp on Sat mornings (I change my workouts month to month)

Please help, I don't know what else to do!!!


  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I'm around the same body type as you are. You didn't mention your water intake. Make sure you're drinking lots of water. Also, I started out just walking, and I dropped 15 lbs in three weeks. It's slowed down considerably, but I'm still losing a little bit at a time. Try more weight-bearing exercises like walking, maybe. A lot of people say walking is the best thing for you. I don't know if it's true, but it's working for me. About a week ago I started doing a set of calisthenics every other day, and that's also making a difference. Also, keep in mind you're building muscle, which weighs more than fat. You can't go by the scale sometimes, especially when you're still new at it. Don't lose hope; if you're doing the right things you'll get there.
  • akillaah
    akillaah Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a little heavier than you (321) and I work out about the same, 3-4 times a week or so at the gym...I don't think you're eating enough calories really to fuel your daily intake is 2300 or so if i want to lose1lb a week... I'm trying to lose 2 so its 1900 and I normally try to eat pretty darn close to that..maybe 1700 or more. So maybe you should be eating more? 1200-1450 calories is like starvation mode for someone who burns off 2000+ calories by doing nothing. Drink your water, eat your calories, work out and the weight WILL come off! Just make sure the calories you consume are good foods! Try not to eat many carbs and make sure you fill up on fruits and vegetables and protein :) Also keep track of your measurements as you may be losing inches and gaining muscle! But I really think you should be eating more imo.... :)
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    Whilst it doesn't work for everyone I do find my weight loss stops when I'm not eating enough. I workout 6 times a week and aim for 1800 cals a day. Maybe try upping your intake a few hundred for a couple of weeks and see what happens?
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks ladies, this was great advice. Increasing my calorie intake is not something that I tried while working out. I do tend to freak out when I only eat 1200 cals a day so I'll do a little experiment to see how it goes. I knew I could count on my MFP families support and help :happy:
  • bluestocking01
    I have some of the same issues. I'm shorter though, but I do exercise about 5 times a week as well and in the beginning it was killing me not to see the scale move. But it was a lot of experimenting for me to actually get the 2lbs per week to come off. Sometimes you do have to experiment and listen to you body- do what feels best for you.

    BUT - while the scale was not moving in the right direction the inches were and continue to do so. And as long as my inches were going down I was able to stay positive and continue making the right choices.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    For adjusting your calories, check out this topic:

    Great explanations there, and links to the tools to calculate calories and goals - great companion to MFP, and it's helped me and many others quite a bit!