WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had a really bad day not eating wise but I just got some results back from blood work I had done last Friday! I found out that I'm diabetic ( which a couple of months ago I was just border line) and my cholestrol is high and my liver enzymes are high! Not to mention I just found out a couple of weeks ago I have PCOS (poly cystic overian syndrome) please excuse my spelling I'm not good at all the medical terms! And a couple of months ago I found out I have a thyroid prblem as well! I just can't win! This is just all hitting me all at once and I'm at a breaking point! :explode: I'm only 24 and I'm taking fists full of medication and it just doesn't seem fair! So now with counting calories I also have to count carbs and cholestrol! Please someone tell me that life gets better because as of right now I think that being a grown up is stupid and over rated! Thank you for letting me vent! I hope that everyone had a great day!


  • Kbrain228
    I have had a really bad day not eating wise but I just got some results back from blood work I had done last Friday! I found out that I'm diabetic ( which a couple of months ago I was just border line) and my cholestrol is high and my liver enzymes are high! Not to mention I just found out a couple of weeks ago I have PCOS (poly cystic overian syndrome) please excuse my spelling I'm not good at all the medical terms! And a couple of months ago I found out I have a thyroid prblem as well! I just can't win! This is just all hitting me all at once and I'm at a breaking point! :explode: I'm only 24 and I'm taking fists full of medication and it just doesn't seem fair! So now with counting calories I also have to count carbs and cholestrol! Please someone tell me that life gets better because as of right now I think that being a grown up is stupid and over rated! Thank you for letting me vent! I hope that everyone had a great day!
  • breddell
    Hey K-
    Wow woman, that's tough! I suppose you can attest to the "when it rains it poors" adage. And don't hold back, its ok to get angry! There's nothing wrong with letting it out. Hang in there though. This dark cloud could have a silver lining...
    My dad was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago and the good news is that after he eliminated all the substances that his body deemed as poison, he lost about 75 lbs...almost overnight. His blood pressure and cholesterol are now in check as well. As a matter of fact, he doesn't have to take his medicine anymore. If you stick to what you're body can have, you'll be fine. Believe it or not he actually contributes diabetes to saving his life. My family has horrid genes and I really don't think he would have made the lifestyle change had it not been for this.
    I know that this seems unbearable right now, just hang in there and decide now that you can tackle this. If you need some support, it seems to me this is the place to get it.
  • playinwfire
    Keep a smile on your face and do your best to fight all this! you still young and you can do it:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm so sorry, hang in there.
    You will probably have to change your entire style of eating. You can always try the YOU diet, it should help you out in all areas (www.realage.com - it's completely free).
    How's your exercise plan? Are you moving every day?
    I think breddell is right - this may be a godsend. A wake up call at 24 rather than a heart attack at 35.
    We'll be here for you.

  • chrissi
    chrissi Posts: 34 Member
    Life DOES get better. I am 31 and have been hypo thyroid for over 2 years now. I see an internist because they think something else is wrong with me to make me gain weight, they are actually leaning towards Cushing's Syndrome, which is a type of cancer of the adrenal glands. You have to stay positive, because a positive attitude will help you soooooo much. Just hang in there and if you need to vent, let us all hear it. You will get some great advice on this site so hang with it, it will all turn out in the end!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am sorry for your current health problems. You are not alone and things can get better. These are not things that will stop you in life. Learn as much as possible for yourself. I would personally suggest looking at homeopathic methods as well.

    I know it is overwhelming but things do get better. Several years ago I had several of our family members diagnosed with a thyroid condition called hashimotos. My husband is diabetic. So we are familiar with what you are going through.

    You can do this. Take one step at a time. This is a perfect tool for you to continue to learn what will be best for you.

    Eve:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Kbrain228
    Thanks for all the kind words! You guys are the best! :wink: I know that things could be a lot worse I guess I'm just having a pitty party! I am going to try and hold my head high and just take it one day at a time!
  • tdroseler
    please allow me to assure you, things will indeed get better. Your being here ensures that.
    About 6 weeks ago, my Dr ordered me to take sick leave from my job, cause i could no longer move, without possibly injuring myself or my clients...i work with the elderly. I had gained 70 lbs in this year. I am diabetic, recently diagnosed with Hypo thyroid as well. Ive been through the testing for PCOS as well.
    Since starting my time off, i have joined this site, Tops and Curves, and done some other things on my own to watch what i eat and exercise. I have only to date lost 9lbs, but im not looking to loose quickly, im wanting to loose healthily.
    I feel a hundred percent better already. My dr has allowed me to return to work, just today in fact. I can feel i am loosing the weight, and inches as well. I have energy. And the best part of it all.....I am already needing less insulin than i was taking before. That for me is a huge breakthough. My insulin therapy had to be extreemely aggressive due to the foods i was eating at the time. Now i need to be careful im now going too low with my bloodsugars.
    So yes, things are looking pretty bleak for you, but look at it this way...if this is your bottom, there is only one way to go from here...up, to sucess. Good luck to you, hang on tight, and give it your best shot.