C25K what was your starting weight? over 180?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I started about 235 -ish.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    I was 240 when I started..... don't give up... trust me, your 10 minutes will turn into 30 in no time...
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I started it at 200 and could not make it through day 1. so I walked one mile every day for a week, then 1.5, then 2, then 2.5, then 3.. then I worked on speed. Once I was doing it consistently as fast as I could walk.. I had lost 20 lbs, and I then did C25K again.. I am stuck on week four and cannot seem to make it through, so I am repeating it again.. but I have Multiple Sclerosis so my legs dont always let me do what I want.. so I just keep repeating till I can get through it.. then I move on!!
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    I started at 250 and I have pretty bad asthma as well. The key thing is to slowwww wayyyy down! Sometimes when you're running it might even seem like you're walking, but don't let it discourage you, just keep running and you got this!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I was 225, you will improve over time! The fact that you're overweight will not stop your cardiac fitness improving, KEEP ON IT!
    I'm 198 now, and running my second 5k next month... I run 4 times a week 2-3 miles. You can do it!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I started around 200lbs. I'm up to doing a 11.5 min mile straight, then do another 12 min mile. It gets easier, I started c25k about 2 weeks ago and have modified it to my liking bc I'm doing my 1st 5k at the end of october. keep going!!! i finally look forward to my jog/runs and that is a wonderful feeling!!
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    I started at 210 and wasn't running very fast, 3.8 to 4.0 on treadmill and made it to week 7. I had a bad time with Plantar Fasciitis and took the next two weeks off. I just started back up Tues and went back to week 1 and ran the 60 second intervals at 4.5 without much trouble, so today I did W2D1 and did the same 4.5. It is much easier to go faster now.

    So after that, my advice is jog or run slow and build up your lungs, heart and legs. After following the plan for a few weeks you will be able to increase your speed with no trouble.
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    I started out at 275 (I'm 5' 5"). I still struggle with keeping my pace slow, but I've just done a lot of repeating weeks. I haven't got through it yet, but am actually switching to Jeff Galloway's 10K training program.

    I know what you mean about that "out of breath" feeling. It took several months before I could run for 3+ minutes and not be gasping for air. But it did happen! Now it's my legs that get tired, but I don't wheeze anymore! lol

    I'm sure the weight I've lost over that time has helped, too, but really it's just conditioning body to be able to do it. It is hard, and it doesn't happen overnight, but it's so worth it!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    How do you do the interval aspect of it? I always wanted to try it, but how am i to know when its been sixty second or a minute and a half?

    There are free apps that let you know when to run and when to walk :smile:
  • I started at 229. I'm now on week 5, and loving it. It sounds like maybe you need to slow your pace down a bit. You should never be 'huffing & puffing' speed isn't near as important in the beginning as building your endurance. Speed comes with time, you'll get there. :wink:
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    My starting weight was 200+. I don't know exactly. It took me several months to accomplish it, as I'd had a stroke and been entirely paralyzed a few months before. But I did it. You can too. Promise.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I started at around 220. I never did finish the program because I started jogging with a friend and just went with her from there on out.

    Just remember, you're out of shape, and you have to build your stamina up. When I first started, I was jogging at 4mph for the most part, and walking at 3.5mph.

    I was once told, if you can't carry on a conversation (or sing a song while your moving) then your pushing yourself too much.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Started at 275. I just finished week 3.
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    When I tried it at first I was at 198 and I had a hard time making it through it. I did W1D1 3 times until I could make it all the way through the running segments. I stopped doing C25K and after losing 15 lbs and working out on the elliptical, zumba, biking when I started over it was much easier.

    Don't be afraid to do days over until you feel comfortable with it. The first day or two I ended up walking a couple of the running segments.
  • I was about 300 when I started. I can run a 5k now, not fast, but I can do it without stopping.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I have just started jogging (slowly!). Here's some stats:

    Start weight: 233lbs (5'3")
    Current weight: 211lbs

    I started running in May - 18 minutes per mile (pace)
    June (beginning) - 16:22 mins / mile
    June (end) - 15.24 mins / mile

    I then had a back problem (not caused by running)

    I went back to running on 12th Sept achieving 15:09 min/mile, finally my last job was on Monday and I ran 14:22 min/mile

    I run a 10k on Sunday 7th october.

    I jog/walk and still don't have huge stamina for running up hills. I started doing hill intervals for the first time last week - 30 seconds jog uphill and then slow jog back down - I repeated 15 times (I think) and was absolutely shattered!

    I think the aim is slow consistent jog/walk and you will find each day / week you improve. I used MapMyRun which has a GPS tracking so i know my pace, distance and time which is great for seeing those tiny improvements.

    Give it a go....it's awesome!
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    I started at around 325. i set my pace slow. i have completed week 2 but have been on the sidelines due to a foot injury. i did run my very first 5k almost 2 weeks ago. finished 1st place male in my age range. all i did was set my c25k app up and ran that until it stopped, then recorded my time on my watch. finished in 40 minutes 6 seconds. i had scheduled what i thought was another 5k for the day after. it turned out to be a walk that was only a mile. i decided to run a 5k myself that day thru a beach sand track. it kicked my butt. i finished 10 minutes longer and walked away with a sore foot that hurts when i walk.

    cant wait for it to heal up so i can get back out there.
  • TammySchumacher
    TammySchumacher Posts: 12 Member
    I started C25K THE DAY I weighed in at 199 (I'll be damned if I'm going to weigh 200 I told myself!)... It took me 12 weeks to complete the 9 week program, during that time I cut out ALL pop, limited alcohol, watched my starches and sugar intake... but no calorie counting. When I finished I weighed in at 174. I continued running for 2 more months, and was down to 170 then plateaued... I also slacked of on what I ate, and my runs went down in frequency. I'm now back at it again and did the C25K program TWO more times and have more girlfriends to run with... I'm down to 162 and am 17lbs from my goal!
  • TammySchumacher
    TammySchumacher Posts: 12 Member
  • TammySchumacher
    TammySchumacher Posts: 12 Member

    [How do you do the interval aspect of it? I always wanted to try it, but how am i to know when its been sixty second or a minute and a half?

    There are free apps that let you know when to run and when to walk ]

    if you have a smart phone or an ipod, you can install the app called "runfast" (there are several other app out there that do the audio cues for C25K)... and they are simply audio cues that will pause your music for just a few seconds, to tell you to run for one minute... then your music starts.. she'll let you know when you have 30 seconds left of running, or 10 seconds left in your walk break... I LOVE this app! Have done it 3 times. She's positive, and gives you the audio cues right when you need them (when things get tough) without being overly excited an annoying.