We're all in this together! Might as well be friends. :o)

I'm looking for friends to travel on this weight loss journey with me. It's always easier when you have a good support network. So please keep me in mind when adding friends. The more the merrier!


  • jrs1008
    jrs1008 Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to 'friend' you! I need to have some sort of support group - apparently, what I'm doing is NOT working. I don't know how to 'friend' people, so if you know how, please request me, and I will accept. Let me give you a little bit of a background: I am 40 years old, August 1st (of this year) I hired a trainer to help me rid of FAT that I'm having a hard time getting rid of. He has me training Mon, Wed, Fri - and sometimes Tues, Thurs, Sat. We worked out for 40 minutes, but now that I'm half way in, he has me at 20 min intervals with him and pushing me harder. I have dropped 4 pant sizes (from 16 to 12) in that amount of time, but no weight is showing on the scale. He also helps me with my nutrition and I am just getting more and more disappointed. He doesn't like to weigh me, because of my disappointment, I think.

    Anyway, I am going to go on a 'limb' and try out some stuff that I found on the internet regarding cardio/strength training and see if these last weeks with him will really pay off.

    I am NOT athletic in anyway - the last time I played sports was Junior High Basketball. I would really love to lose this fat - as it hinders my self-confidence and I'm tired of this PERSON that I see in the mirror being so miserable. I am married, I have an awesome support group within my husband . . . he's on this journey with me and has already lost 27 pounds (since April). I need WOMEN support/encouragement.

    Good luck on your Weight Loss Journey and I look forward to 'friending' you! :) Have a GREAT Thursday!
  • fattarzan
    I'll be your amigo too!!! try intermitten fasting looks like it's working with me and I just started it. oh! and forget the scale it's mainly fat that you want to lose not muscles... good luck to all who are in the same boat...