Running....TRULY an addiction!

Or is it more the races that are addicting? I started the c25K program on May 29th of this year. To date, I've run 2 5K races and have now signed up for 2 more...within 7 days of each other! What has happened to me? I've NEVER been a runner in my LIFE and now I can't go more than 2 days without getting the itch!

Don't get me wrong, I love it, but at the same time...what is it? I've never done any other kind of workout that has done this to me before!

I just had to put this out there in the hopes that I'm not the only one! :flowerforyou:


  • BucsGirl4Life
    BucsGirl4Life Posts: 29 Member
    You are not the only one. :0) I took up running a year ago...and couldn't run or "fast walk" for more than 30 seconds at a time. Now I'm running 45 minutes continuously before my weak mind tells me to stop and walk for a minute or two. :0) I am SOOO addicted to running now!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Enjoy!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I started running about 8 weeks ago - well, at the beginning it was more like walking fast (and even that lasted for only about 1 minute at a time).

    Now, I can run at an 11 min/mile pace for 4 miles at a time without walking at all and I LOVE IT. I am currently training for a 10k race, and trying to get my pace under a 10 min/mile. Considering I began at a 20 min/mile pace, I think I will get there soon.

    Now, I run 3-4 times a week and cannot stand to miss it. I don't quite get it either since I used to be heard saying I would never run unless someone was trying to kill me (and I really meant it). I figure there is some truth to the runner's high, even though I don't really feel high after I run...
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    It's the best addiction I've ever had....and I love it!:drinker:
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    You are not alone at all.

    I started C25K on 1/28/2012. I was NEVER a runner before that day.

    My first 5K race was St. Paddy's date (3/17).

    Since then I've run 2 more 5Ks, a 10K, a 7 mile race, a 10 Mile race and a Half Marathon.

    I have two more Half Marathon's scheduled between now and January and will pick up another 5K and 10K or two along the way.

    I'm already looking into at least two three more Half Marathons for 2013 and my first full marathon in November 2013.

    I've run nearly 600 miles this year... and expect to run over 1000 next year.

    I'm totally addicted to running... I have had a bit of tendonitis since my first half marathon nearly 3 weeks ago, so it has been a few light weeks... what does that mean nowadays? "Only" 9 days of running in the last 18 days for a total of "just" 37 miles.

    I used to think runners were all crazy... now I KNOW they are... and I'm so happy to be another lunatic out there running with them.

  • I'm a total addict. Get used to race after race honey :laugh:
  • TriClaudia
    TriClaudia Posts: 51 Member
    I used to say, "I don't run." Period. And if someone was chasing me -- hit the breaks, they'll fly right by. I've been doing a lot of swimming and biking and did a sprint triathlon a week ago; but I mostly walked the 5K. I decided I wanted to be able to run it next time; so I started C25K. This was my first week , and I feel great. Yesterday I was particularly frustrated about some issues, and thought, "I need another workout today -- a run or something." Run? An antidote to frustration? Run? And that's just the first week! I think a re-wiring has begun. Sure hope so.
  • Yes, I went running two days after major surgery with urinary catheter and bag strapped under my long running pants. It felt so good. Running makes my fears and concerns slip away and leaves me feeling happy.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Yes, I went running two days after major surgery with urinary catheter and bag strapped under my long running pants. It felt so good. Running makes my fears and concerns slip away and leaves me feeling happy.

    Well that certainly solves the problem of having to go in the middle of a run that many of us have! :drinker:
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Yep! I've never felt better about myself than I have since getting serious about my running six weeks ago. I was a "do not run" kind of gal until I did couch to 5k four years ago, but running Ragnar this past weekend is what kicked my training into high gear. I've gone from having never run more than a 5k to running 14 miles in three legs over 36 hours. Just in the past few weeks both my 5k pace and 10k pace have improved by a minute per mile each.

    Now I try to convince my friends that running is the Best Thing Evar, but so far only one of them has taken the bait!

    And note... I've been on MFP forever but this is the first post that has brought me out of lurkdom!
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    Or is it more the races that are addicting? I started the c25K program on May 29th of this year. To date, I've run 2 5K races and have now signed up for 2 more...within 7 days of each other! What has happened to me? I've NEVER been a runner in my LIFE and now I can't go more than 2 days without getting the itch!

    Don't get me wrong, I love it, but at the same time...what is it? I've never done any other kind of workout that has done this to me before!

    I just had to put this out there in the hopes that I'm not the only one! :flowerforyou:

    You are not alone! I too started running early June, My husband who is a seasoned runner never warned me how addictive running is, Oh what a good addiction it is!!!
  • tdrusk
    tdrusk Posts: 21 Member
    Yep it is. I get ugly if I don't run almost every day.

    Keep track of your mileage and make up goals for yourself. See how much you can do in one week. See how long it takes you to hit 500 miles. Goal goals goals!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I'd vote for it being the races. I hate running, I really do. But I love the races.

    But as a way to finally relieve the constant annoyance of running and race training I decided that my last half marathon was truly my last. And the end of any distance running for me. I'll probably still pick up a few fun runs here and there, but nothing that requires actual training for anymore.
  • isabellecmiranda
    isabellecmiranda Posts: 56 Member
    I started the c 2 5 k program and I am enjoying every minute of it. I also quit smoking cigarettes and now that I run I cant imagine ever going back to that. I need my lungs to power through my intervals, I hope to complete my first 5k in November. I used to try to run at the gym but now I am embracing the outdoors with the nice weather we have been having. It has changed my life. I feel like
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Really enjoying this post. I can barely run a full mile right now but looking forward to getting better. It's very inspiring to see posts such as "I could barely walk fast and now I'm logging double(or triple)-digit miles a week".

    Crazy cool. You guys rock. :flowerforyou:
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Yay! I'm a runner...Never thought I'd say that about myself. Not too many big races in my area so I've tried to do at least one 5k race a month. Someday I will be 1/2 crazy!!
  • I started c25k this week as well. Just did run number two. It feels great! best wishes and good luck with training
  • now i even use running to clear my mind and as a stress reliever
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    I hate running. But I LOVE all the smiles I get when I cross the finish line. And I REALLY LOVE the medals. I race for the smiles and the medals. :love:
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i used to love running now not so much but im getting there. today after work im going to go run these stair at a near by hospital next to the parking garage i think the running bug bit me today. :glasses:
  • OMG @35andRunning, I swear I was just thinking the same exact thing and I saw this topic pop up in my side bar. I have never been addicted to any physical activity and have never been a runner. I have finished one 5k, signed up for another and am training for a half marathon in March. I ran the last two days in a row and am irritated that I can't go today. Unbelievable.
    I think I am addicted to the adrenaline and challenge personally. Those are things that have always driven me in other areas of my life. It is just a relief that it is finally in a healthy way. :)