Seeking six pack / loosing tummy fat

Hi. I need help! I'm seeking those darn six pack abs and I'm struggling to loose some of my tummy fat.

As my ardent followers will know, I do 3 hours of weights each week with my PT (which include a small amount of warm up/warm down cardio). During such sessions, we target different body areas and especially when we do core/abs sessions, my heart rate is relatively high (around 15 minutes above 145 bmp and 25 minutes between 127 bmp and 144 bmp). This equates to loosing roughly 600-650 calories per hour for me.

For my diet, in a typical week I eat 570g of fat, 1365g of carbs (incl 515 of sugars) and 1314g of protein. This equates to an average of 81g of fat, 195g of carbs (incl 74g of sugars) and 188g of protein each day. For more specifics, my diary is open for full viewing.

My last measurements were: 69kg, 5'11", 32.8inch waist (around belly button) and 34inch hips. They have been at this point for a good 8 weeks.

Using I'm currently at 19% body fat.

I suppose I'd like some feedback on whether my food intake is correct (perhaps too much fat and sugar?), or whether I need to do some more cardio specific workouts as well as the 3 PT sessions I have each week, or whether I just need to be more patient and realise that I could really take me many, many months to get to where I want to be.

Many thanks in advance.


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What did your PT say about this?
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 222 Member
    At the moment, he's upping the amount of core work we are doing, and doing core/ab sessions more frequently than we were doing 1-2 months ago - as well as working harder/stronger. (I've only been doing PT sessions for 2 months now - I assume that's not very long in the grand scheme of things). I've not discussed with him yet the thought of doing more cardio. He seems to think my food intake, etc is fine, but obviously I'd appreciate second opinions on that.

    Oh and I'm currently consuming around 2250 calories per day. Is eating less (i.e. reducing calories) without increasing cardio an option?
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how much leg work are you doing?? dead lifts and squats can make a big difference.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    that list bit of stomach fat is far more about diet than it is about exercise.
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 222 Member
    A little bit. I'm probably doing 2 upper, 3 core and 1 leg sessions in rotation of 6 sessions. Obviously core involves legs too but I'm not doing many dedicated leg sessions. That said, my session yesterday was legs, with nice squats and lunges. My legs ache today. :)
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    You need to drop your body fat percentage to be able to see your abs, not do more core work. I'd consider dropping that trainer if they have told you the additional core work will get you abs.
    To burn fat, I'd add a few sessions of HIIT to your workout schedule each week. Or, if you aren't into max burning in minimal time, do steady cardio more often. Here is the best article I've found on HIIT:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    do more dead lifts. lots of them.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I believe most men don't start seeing abs til around 10-15% bf. So your doing great otherwise, your just not quite there yet. As long as your eating on a deficit and following your instructors work outs you'll see those abs in no time :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    It's about body fat. You probably have the 6 pack....and that's about diet and cardio! Muscle helps with fat burn of course but here is what I would do..if you are maintaining right now..I would cut calories back by around 300 per day and add extra cardio.,.start drinking green tea and add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your post workout protein shake. That should give you a nice deficit and some added fat burning from the gt and co. I would also cut any refined and white carbs...which will probably help you cut the 300 and give up alcohol until you've achieved your goal. Im not a pt..but that's what a pt told me and I'm melting the fat away! Good luck!
  • fenrirGrey
    fenrirGrey Posts: 110 Member
    I'm at 9.5% body fat and still don't see my abs.

    But for the first time in my life my tummy is firm. It is no longer in competition with JLo's butt.

    I agree with others, most of my changes are from Deadlifts/Squats or lifting heavy in general.

    Btw, I went from 22% body fat to 9.5% body fat with no cardio. It is all your diet. I do high intensive workouts and am usually broken into a sweat within first 15 mins. I do however do a lot of biking/hiking over the weekends. I was a 34" waist and can now comfortably fit into 30 inch slim fit pants. :)
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    You need to lose fat, so you need to eat less. Drop your cals by maybe 200 per day and see if your weight drops for a week or 2.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    do 10,000 crunches
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I'm at 9.5% body fat and still don't see my abs.

    This is where Core work helps. You should see abs at 10-12% easily if you put in core work. The only way I can believe you are truly at 9-10% BF and not see abs is if you dont put any strength training into your exercise routine.

    I'm currently at 20% BF down from 24% and I'm seeing the top portion of my abs. The way I've lost BF%, I am estimating that by 15% I should have a strong showing and by 13% I will be ripped.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    get it!
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    ABS are made in the kitchen. You can do all the core work you want. In fact, you can pass out and you won't see abs. To get abs, you need two things. Cardio, and a high protein diet. Drop your sugars. That helps too. Each body is different.

    Getting abs is easy but it takes commitment. Once you get them, it's REALLY easy to maintain them. Unless you are looking for 5% body fat, then yeah, you won't be able to maintain that unless you eat 100%.

    If you are cheating every now and then, you won't get abs either. You need to get them first, then you can cheat.

    You should drop your PT and eat less. I would say to get them quick... about 1900-2100 TOTAL...
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Here is some advice I just gave to a friend. I will paste it here because I think it has everything you need set up a plan.

    "Losing fat anywhere on the body is more to do with a calorie deficit than any particular exercise. With that said the fat will burn off from wherever the body decides. You can not control this and it usually comes off in the reverse order it went on.

    To lose "weight" put your calories in a moderate deficit. Notice I said "weight". To make sure the majority of your weight loss comes from "body fat" you will need to do resistance training. Muscle is very expensive to maintain calorie wise. If you do not convince your body that the muscle is necessary it will get rid of it. This can look great on the scale but is terrible for body composition. This site is full of people who reach their weight loss goals and are not happy with the way their bodies look. This is usually do to excessive calorie deficit (from severe dieting or excessive cardio) and no resistance training (lifting relatively heavy weights on the big compound lifts).

    Is cardio necessary for fat loss? Nope. You can lose weight just with diet alone or diet with strength training combined to maximize fat loss.

    Should you do cardio anyways? Yep. Many benefits of doing cardio but I recommend high intensity cardio. 20-30 minutes as hard as you can go. Try HIIT training at first. Do that about 3 times per week. Spending hours on a treadmill will burn calories but is so inefficient that I think its a waste of time. "

    Read this and the attached study but do NOT lower your calories that low:

    Watch this video for setting up calorie goals and macros (protein, fats, carbs)

    Watch this video on which kind of cardio to do but ignore her obnoxiousness:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm not working toward six-pack abs. I'm just trying to decrease body fat, but it is to my understanding that your abs will only show with decreased body fat, AND that the less body fat you have the harder it is to lose.

    I say be more patient. I know it's hard. I want to see much more dramatic results than I'm seeing, but it's just not going to happen overnight. I say stick with your program. Wait 3 to 6 months and if you still don't see your abs, THEN maybe consider making changes.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Here is some advice I just gave to a friend. I will paste it here because I think it has everything you need set up a plan.

    "Losing fat anywhere on the body is more to do with a calorie deficit than any particular exercise. With that said the fat will burn off from wherever the body decides. You can not control this and it usually comes off in the reverse order it went on.

    To lose "weight" put your calories in a moderate deficit. Notice I said "weight". To make sure the majority of your weight loss comes from "body fat" you will need to do resistance training. Muscle is very expensive to maintain calorie wise. If you do not convince your body that the muscle is necessary it will get rid of it. This can look great on the scale but is terrible for body composition. This site is full of people who reach their weight loss goals and are not happy with the way their bodies look. This is usually do to excessive calorie deficit (from severe dieting or excessive cardio) and no resistance training (lifting relatively heavy weights on the big compound lifts).

    Is cardio necessary for fat loss? Nope. You can lose weight just with diet alone or diet with strength training combined to maximize fat loss.

    Should you do cardio anyways? Yep. Many benefits of doing cardio but I recommend high intensity cardio. 20-30 minutes as hard as you can go. Try HIIT training at first. Do that about 3 times per week. Spending hours on a treadmill will burn calories but is so inefficient that I think its a waste of time. "

    Read this and the attached study but do NOT lower your calories that low:

    Watch this video for setting up calorie goals and macros (protein, fats, carbs)

    Watch this video on which kind of cardio to do but ignore her obnoxiousness:

    WINNER. This dude covered everything you need to know to get six pack abs. And even when you try to maintain your lean muscle mass, you will lose some. It's very hard to keep it all. But he is right, you want to try to keep as much as you can.

    One last thing I will add is that your body fat drops EVERYWHERE. The LAST thing to go is your stomach fat. It only took me about 2 months to get them. My body fat was around 15-18% at the time.

    I did P90X and I followed a fat shredder diet with 1900 calories. It worked.
  • YoYo1951