Losing and Low Sodium, would love to hear some stories.....

My husband and I are trying to lose weght together.....after 9 years of GREAT cooking together, beer, wine etc.......we have decided we need to really stop this........

My goal is to lose 100 pounds.....I also have to watch my sodium intake.

Currently, we are trying to use Eat more of What you Love cookbook. Anyone have any other suggestions for me?

We are exercising as well. I am walking outside, on treadmill and just got an elliptical trainer. Well, last night I only did 4 minutes, I felt like such a loser but I guess it was better than sitting on my behind eating something right?

Would love to have some friends on My Fitness Pal to share and enjoy this journey with....



  • Sent a friend request. Also working on lower sodium.
  • Denisecandothis
    Denisecandothis Posts: 14 Member
    I would love to start sharing! :-) I have found that this cookbook is amazing with helping with the low sodium so far! :-)
  • When I first got my elliptical I could only go about 5 minutes before I thought I would die. When I got off, my legs were rubbery and I could barely stand. I had my bf help me push through it. What I wound up doing was putting a piece of paper or a book in front of the timer so I couldn't use it as a negative de-motivator. I found I was able to push myself further when I didn't look down and say "it's only been ___ minutes!!" That's where I learned that just because you may be thin doesn't mean you are healthy or in shape!! I also started watching hour long shows on my DVR while I worked out and fast forwarded thru commercials. I would tell myself in the beginning "I'll be on here for 2 segments", then I found myself saying that I can make it to the next one, then the next one, and made it through the first whole show, which turned out to be 44 minutes when I had been giving up at the 20 minute mark! You can do it and if you would like to add me as a friend, feel free!! Good luck!!
  • Denisecandothis
    Denisecandothis Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you very much for sharing!!! I sent you a friend request.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    1. Maintain a reasonable calorie deficit -- be aggressive but not so aggressive that you eventually slow down your metabolism;
    2. Find an exercise routine that you love: it may be walking at 2.5 mph today and morph into running 100 meter sprints a year from now.
    3. Do some form of resistance training: it's muscle sparing.
    4. Protein, protein, protein.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    I concur with the elliptical. I got on it for the 2nd time ever in my life (1st time was in 06 and I remembered why i avoided it after that). I set it for 25 mins. Ha what a joke. I was almost in tears but I knew the people directly behind me on the treadmills would laugh if I got right back off. I lasted 12 mins. It got my heart rate up higher than any other machine and I definitely feel it today, so those 12 short mins did SOMEthing :smile:

    anyhoo...feel free to add!
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    I eat everything spicy as hell so I never need to add sodium hahaha. When I started the elliptical, 20 minutes on the lowest setting was a workout for me. Now I'm at the half-way level (on my machine it's level 10/20) and pushing it for an hour!
  • Denisecandothis
    Denisecandothis Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for sharing!!!