Is it okay to cheat even for a day?

Im new here at mfp. Prior to joining I have lost about 15 lbs on my own by exercising and doing the wonderslim diet . My starting weight was at 212 lbs and I stand at just 5'4 but yesterday I got devastating news that my uncle who was a father figure to me passed away. Since then I have been eating just about anything I can grab my hands on and as Im typing this Im waiting for the burger king delivery guy to come knocking on my door.. I know, pathetic. I cant help it, knowing that I will never see him again, I feel so helpless. My total weight lost is now at 23.5 lbs, Im afraid that if I continue on this path I'll gain all that plus more in a very short period of time. Plus being all alone is not really helping at all since my husband is currently deployed so I don't have anyone to kick me in the butt when Im slacking.


  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    First off I am so sorry for your loss, I know what you are going through.
    Dont even think about your diet for today. Dont think of it as a 'cheat' day, you are not cheating. Just get back in the game tomorrow. Grief is an awful thing that affects us all differently but if you try to stick to as nutritious a diet as possible it cant do you any harm right? Eating will only make you feel better in the short term and will undoubtedly make you feel worse in the long.
    It is a terrible thing that has happened and you wont get over it, you WILL be able to deal with it though, you wont always feel so sad.
    Take care x x
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    I let myself eat cookies/candy/ice cream most days of the week, it's about portion control. I'm sure that won't work for everyone, but it's the only way to keep myself from binging.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    yes, it's okay. It's a lifestyle change. You're not going to NEVER eat cake/cookies/ice cream again in your life time's just not plausible. Just limit yourself to "here and there" and "special occasions"'ll be fine.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    One day will not make or break you. Your general lifestyle is what will make or break you.

    Fat people don't get lean by eating healthy for one day. Lean people don't get fat by splurging on food for a day.
    Many fat people eat well once in a while, and many lean people splurge once in a while.

    It's not the "once in a whiles" that govern success. It's what you do the other 99% of the time.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I'm very sorry for your loss. Please know that you're not cheating, you're mourning. Do what you need to do to cope with the pain. Tomorrow, next week, or heck next month, you can take stock of where you're at and go from there. If you're not emotionally ready to take the next step now then so be it. Don't beat yourself up about it either, no one can tell you how or what to feel or even how to cope.

    When all has passed and you feel like yourself again, it might be a good idea to figure out what drives you to food for comfort. I am guilty of having the same weakness. But since I joined MFP about a year ago I've learned to look at food differently. Before I run to food now, I go for a walk to clear my head. It helps usually.

    Good luck to you. Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement.
  • gabrielleobrien
    I keep track of not only how much I eat on a given day but how much I eat in a week. Some days I'm way over my calorie limit and some days I'm way under. As long as I don't go over my weekly calorie limit I find I still lose weight. If I know I'm going out on the weekend I try to cut a few calories for a day or two beforehand to use for the weekend as well as if I've overindulged one day I try to eat less the next few days. It really is about lifestyle changes and making the commitment for the long run. I'm sorry for your loss, I know I eat when I'm stressed and I had to stop beating myself up for it and try to work it into my new lifestyle while trying to learn better ways of coping with stress. Take a day or two, eat what you need to and then get back to a better eating plan.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    So sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou: Take a day off now and then-yesterday I also recieved personal bad news-I went home and ate tortilla chips and ice cream but today is another new day and new starting-just don't quit-he would want you to carry on with this journey you have made for yourself-heart and prayers with you.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Only crazy people never flex.

    Just take care of yourself.
  • fiqueen2009
    I'm also sorry for your loss. Food produces endorphins (happy hormones) thus when we're stressed or depressed we tend to eat exceedingly.However exercise also produces these happy hormones. So instead of overeating try working out whilst listening to your favorite songs. The thing about cheating is that when you do so you should always try to remove those extra calories that were put in. Consuming unnecessary nutrients leads to fat storage. In addition weight loss is formulated when energy input is less than energy output. So if you have consumed extra calories burn it off. For example if ur daily calorie intake is supposed to be 12260 and you crossed that by about 500 calories, work out and try to burn more than you consumed. Hope this helps. :)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    One day will not make or break you. Your general lifestyle is what will make or break you.

    Fat people don't get lean by eating healthy for one day. Lean people don't get fat by splurging on food for a day.
    Many fat people eat well once in a while, and many lean people splurge once in a while.

    It's not the "once in a whiles" that govern success. It's what you do the other 99% of the time.

    Well-said Zaphod. Which one of your heads came up with this? Because it's the one you need to use all the time. :happy:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    the burger king delivery guy to come knocking on my door..

    First, sorry for your loss.

    Second, Burger King delivers? I'm SO glad I never knew that back when I could stomach what they call food.

    Third, no, as a brilliant two-headed man said very recently, one day is irrelevant, as long as that one day is a rare exception and your lifestyle is what makes it an exception.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. Allow yourself time to mourn in a way that's best for you. Get back on the program when you can... but also try different, healthier ways to cope with your sadness. Eating is a way many of us deal with heartache, but hard physical exertion can work wonders, too. (Even if it's just a matter of wearing you out enough that you can get some solid rest.)
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Well-said Zaphod. Which one of your heads came up with this? Because it's the one you need to use all the time. :happy:

    I let the sarcastic head dominate 80% of the time. It's the only way to maintain sanity. :wink:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    the burger king delivery guy to come knocking on my door..

    First, sorry for your loss.

    Second, Burger King delivers? I'm SO glad I never knew that back when I could stomach what they call food.

    Third, no, as a brilliant two-headed man said very recently, one day is irrelevant, as long as that one day is a rare exception and your lifestyle is what makes it an exception.

    Having 2 heads is cheating if you ask me.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Im new here at mfp. Prior to joining I have lost about 15 lbs on my own by exercising and doing the wonderslim diet . My starting weight was at 212 lbs and I stand at just 5'4 but yesterday I got devastating news that my uncle who was a father figure to me passed away. Since then I have been eating just about anything I can grab my hands on and as Im typing this Im waiting for the burger king delivery guy to come knocking on my door.. I know, pathetic. I cant help it, knowing that I will never see him again, I feel so helpless. My total weight lost is now at 23.5 lbs, Im afraid that if I continue on this path I'll gain all that plus more in a very short period of time. Plus being all alone is not really helping at all since my husband is currently deployed so I don't have anyone to kick me in the butt when Im slacking.

    Third post in a row. Sorry.

    Just a passing thought. I fully understand the need to eat as comfort. It's a primal instinct, and one that I have fallen victim to pretty often.

    What did your uncle love most? Find a way to be active doing something you know he would have loved seeing you do.

    For example, make your first 5K be a tribute to him, if you can find a charity run that supports a cause he cared about or if it's relevant to the way he passed away.

    Or make your weight loss and self-improvement a personal tribute to him.

    After all, what would he have wanted you to do?
  • usnamom2012
    I'm new to MFP. Hoping to journaling and counting calories. I have been trying to lose weight for the past year and it is just not happening. Want to make a healthy change in my life.

    Very sorry for your loss!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    sorry to hear about your loss. I struggle with wanting to turn to food for comfort. I watched my mom struggle with bingeing - dieting - bingeing - dieting all her life. Weight watchers. How. U weight loss.

    when my marriage started falling apart, I wanted to turn to food, but the ex was hiding the good stuff. He'd buy treats and chips and chocolate, but stash it and only bring it out for him and the kids when I was at work.

    I took to running, and boxing. Now, when I'm stressed, sad, hurting, depressed (which all happen a lot still) - I turn to that adrenaline rush. I replaced the food rush with an exercise rush.

    Maybe, just maybe, you can find something you enjoy that gives you the same sort of rush?
  • book_mage
    book_mage Posts: 8 Member
    I am so sorry. I'll bet it's tough to even think about watching what you're eating right now. Take the time you need to mourn and don't worry too much about it right now. But as far as the cheating goes in general, I personally think it depends on the person. I know (from experience) that I can't allow myself cheat meals or days because I'll backslide real quick. But everyone else is right. Generally, one day, maybe even two days a week of a cheat won't stunt your progress. As long as the majority of the time you eat well and exercise.
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    My Mantra: It's not about having a bad day, or a bad week, or even a bad month. It's about having a good year, after year. Let it go and come back tomorrow!
  • jaxgnat
    jaxgnat Posts: 4 Member
    First, it is okay to cheat for a day.

    I have been on a three year journey to good heath and believe me, I have had some lows in that three year period. I lost my sister, my aunt and my best friend to cancer in an 18 month time span. Yes, I ate for comfort and then I put on my big girl panties and with their spirit by my side, I got back on track! Everytime I feel as though I cannot go another step on that treadmill, I can tell you one or all of them are by my side telling me that I can!

    Remember that your uncle is by your side and wishing you all the happiness and joy as if he were actually here with you. Carry on can do this!