I have lost my way.....



  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    Been there done that! I sent you a friend request :)

    Same here...started back in May 2011. I didn't get serious until now. Sent friend request.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    The funnest part is starting again.

    You can do this!


    fixed your post :drinker:
  • mmlucky
    You need to remember to like yourself!!! So, you have put on a few pounds. You are on the right track to lose some of those extra pounds. You sound like you are ready to make some personal chages along with your physical move. Start new habits today!:smile:
  • csjmn
    I know how you feel. I too was living away from home. My boyfriend worked in another province and when he was gone for months at a time I had no eating schedule. I worked all day then would be to lazy to cook a meal so takeout was my one meal a day. When he would come home he would want big meals cooked every night but we didnt eat them until 11 or 12 at night and then go to bed..horrible I know! In the last year my mother has been ill so the stress of being away from family has taken a toll on me mentally and physically. I recently took a leave from my job and moved home. I got married last month and my husband has been here with me. This is wonderful but also very stressful as we are both now living in my parents basement until we can get back on our feet and I can find a job here. I look at myself daily and am so upset because of what I feel I have become. I try to stay motivated..I want to lose weight..to exercise..to walk..but just can't:( I need to do something but I don't know where to start. I saw this site today and decided to join...I hope that it can help me in some way.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    My husband, though I love him to death!, has the worst eatting habbits ever. He has a weird palate, there for any fruits and veggies he gags on. So most of our meals consist of pasta, pizza, bread.. CARBS! Therefor the weight has come back with full force :( ....

    My husband is the same way. After a while, we just started eating separate meals, together. We might both have the same main course, like chicken breast, but I'd load my plate with veggies and he'd load his with carbs like rice or potatoes. I didn't even mind fixing him the carbs so that he can reach his calorie needs. Things like rice or potatoes are really easy to cook, so it wasn't an issue for me.

    You might want to check out the cookbook, "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfeld. It is designed to trick children into eating more fruit and veggies, but it works on grown men, too. :wink: Even better, if you can sneak fruit and veggies into his diet, his palate will adjust without even knowing it.

    I fixed an asian pork and green bean meal recently and my husband picked out the green beans, at first. Then I asked him just to give it a try because I was trying my best to make the green beans taste more like meat for his benefit. Reluctantly, he did and discovered he really did like them. He didn't know that I had been sneaking them into other foods like soups and sauces in pureed form for a while now. His palate adjusted and now he likes green beans.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Take all new starting measurements today.
    Splurge on a new scale, find your measuring tape and get to it.
    Create a space on a wall somewhere - with chalkboard paint, with poster-board, whatever you need - and make it YOU central- where you can track your progress nice and big and colorful and most importantly VISIBLE

    Its a project.
    Its the only hobby that makes you more amazing every time you do it.
    Decide you love it.
    Decide to become one of the fanatic and the obsessed ones that people whisper about.
    Decide to be someone that people whisper about because you grabbed your life by the kiwis and turned it around
    Decide that you love this new adventure so much that its going to seep into everything you do
    And you will suddenly be this always improving goddess of metamorphosis - your own butterfly.



    i :heart: yoovie
  • EricC7788
    EricC7788 Posts: 102 Member
    Same here. Friend request sent. Anyone can add me.
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    Never give up, I have lost 100s of pounds many times only to gain it back-mostly because I never found anything that stuck. But I never give up and keep starting over...This time I I am taking it one day at a time-one meal at a time. I track everything now pretty faithfully because that is the key. I also only set a goal of 1 lb a week-52 lbs in year. Very do-able. When I lose more I celebrate. I traveled for work recently and tried very hard to make healthy choices, and I LOST .5. I celebrated that victory becaue it meant I was learning to LIVE differently, not DIET. I have trouble moving right now which makes it hard to work out, but I find myself parking a little farther from places, any little thing to help. Most of all I quit feeling guilty and beating myself up if I have a bad day. I don't deprive, I plan the things I want into my food, but I no longer over indulge or have that "something" every day. It's like a special treat then and I enjoy it rather than feel guilty about it. Most of all I do this for ME and ME only. I finally put ME first and have learned to like ME. You can do this-you have a whole set of "pals" at your finger tips!!
  • ROWinCO
    Sent you a request, good luck with your journey. I have been where you are! You can do it, one day at a time. :happy:
  • MsMartyMac
    I am a fellow military spouse and know exactly what you are going through. Every deployment I said I am going to lose 20lbs before he gets home and every time I failed. Several years ago I finally got serious and went from 215 to 141.5... and then he retired. I was the happiest I have ever been. I felt like I looked good and it was a definite benefit to our marriage. When he retired our lifestyle changed... more eating out, less cooking at home. My weight started to creep back up. I know what you mean when you say, I don't want to go there again. I am now trying to regain my determination to take off the weight I have gained even if I never see 141.5 again. I would be happy anywhere in the 140's. I would be thrilled to encourage you as you go through YOUR journey!!
  • vander7679
    vander7679 Posts: 109 Member
    Anyone is free to add me...the more the merrier! We are in this together!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I am struggling right now, as I near maintenance. I have completely fallen off the wagon with diet and exercise.
    Friend me if you like :)
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Welcome back! I know how this can all be a struggle, I've been up and down myself. Hoping to stay on track for good though! Anyone is welcome to add me, love the support I get from my MFP peeps and love to help out when I can.
  • jend2679
    jend2679 Posts: 6 Member
    Gain back is my biggest fear!
  • reikigirl1
    Hey girl! I read your post and can I empathize! Well, life gets in the way and sometimes throws us curves in the road, but you know you are strong and determined. I know if you look past your clothes you can see the beautiful person you are and the lighter version of you is there, right before your eyes. Just see yourself as an improved self and set a realistic, obtainable goal for the fighter in you. Best wishes,:smile:
  • Reneyababy
    we can do this together we can do it.
  • Dianna00001
    HI!!!!bU have Made the First Step in knowing their is a weight problem.... An U can to the right place ,,,So get on the plan and be true to your-self and the plan!!!!!! Have a wonderful Day and go at least for a 10 min. walk today!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: