World of Warcraft?



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I used to play WoW but quit shortly before the Lich King expansion came out because I found another game that more suited my style of play: EVE Online. I have since then quit MMOs in general however.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I used to play WoW but quit shortly before the Lich King expansion came out because I found another game that more suited my style of play: EVE Online. I have since then quit MMOs in general however.

    Same played vanilla -> wrath on and off

    I haven't played in years, and not sure I would want too.

    If i play games i like quick games, ones that don't consume lots of time.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    @Aremiw and I both play on Maelstrom. She got the Realm First! Zen Master Tailoring. I was lucky enough to get both Realm First! Zen Master Skinner and Realm First! Zen Master Leatherworker.
  • ashleereign
    ashleereign Posts: 1,904 Member
    Renewed last month for MoP. Havent had a whole lot of time to play since Tuesday, but I hit 86 last night.

    I'm glad theres new content, and just looking forward to leveling my professions and get some raiding gear on the go!
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    I will add this. Good thing I played Horde, otherwise date number 2 would never have happened with my wife! =P And that's what SHE says!
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I will add this. Good thing I played Horde, otherwise date number 2 would never have happened with my wife! =P And that's what SHE says!


    That is actually really cool. My ex wife played with me, but she only played because I did.

    She really didn't get into it.

    That being said, it would be awesome if I could find myself a female who actually likes games.

    So grats man, sounds like you got a good catch!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I play, but I'm one those weirdies who likes to farm, loves their characters, and recycles them around 55 or so. I just kind of plod along and do my own thing. I restarted recently, I have a lvl 12 Blood Elf Warlock on Steamwheedle Cartel.

    I'm really not into MoP. You give me Death Knights, Dranei, Were wolves, and destroy the freakin world. Now I get Kung fu panda. Nope, not my thing. I like my char. hot and bad@ss, thank you very much.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    I play, but I'm one those weirdies who likes to farm, loves their characters, and recycles them around 55 or so. I just kind of plod along and do my own thing. I restarted recently, I have a lvl 12 Blood Elf Warlock on Steamwheedle Cartel.

    I'm really not into MoP. You give me Death Knights, Dranei, Were wolves, and destroy the freakin world. Now I get Kung fu panda. Nope, not my thing. I like my char. hot and bad@ss, thank you very much.

    I wish they had given us a cat class like

  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    That would have been badness!

    Edited because I realized that saying this aloud proclaims how awesome I think that idea is. Written it doesn't come across as well, sorry.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    The cat people would have been fun. I like char that are original, hot, dangerous, and have an interesting back story. I also hate pandas in real life. They are too depressed to get it on and make more pandas.
  • alison0511
    My main is an 85 prot paladin. I've played off and on (mostly on) since Vanilla with my husband and friends. We've gotten bored with the grind here and there between expansions and tried other games, but something always draws us back to WoW.

    I haven't gotten to try MoP yet - most likely downloading it tonight. I'm not very excited about the pandaren race... I will probably make one to check out the starting area, then abandon them in the teens. Animal races just aren't really my personal style. And seeing the new 85-90 content on my high levels will be cool. I AM excited about Monk however. Has anybody gotten to try the new class much?
  • Williamj
    Williamj Posts: 199 Member
    I played from release up until about 6 months ago. Raided in vanilla and then got way into pvp. I was pumped for Rated Battle Grounds in cata, but blizz just seemed to stall out when it came to adding features and fixing maps etc. Cross realm teams came too late. I might pick up MoP but haven't decided yet.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • Endelle
    Endelle Posts: 7 Member
    haven't had a chance to get playing MoP yet. from what I got to experience in the beta I thought it was pretty cute. Stopped playing excessively though when I started to get back in shape lol
  • rladd6421
    85 priest (Althaya), 85 hunter (Genovina), 85 mage (Minialthaya), 82 druid (Briony) on anvilmar. been playing since vanilla, took some time off for about 8 months but just started again with MoP. However I am a total achievement *kitten* lol.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    I play, but I'm one those weirdies who likes to farm, loves their characters, and recycles them around 55 or so. I just kind of plod along and do my own thing. I restarted recently, I have a lvl 12 Blood Elf Warlock on Steamwheedle Cartel.

    I'm really not into MoP. You give me Death Knights, Dranei, Were wolves, and destroy the freakin world. Now I get Kung fu panda. Nope, not my thing. I like my char. hot and bad@ss, thank you very much.

    I wish they had given us a cat class like


    OMG!! That would be freaking awesome!
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    I play, but I'm one those weirdies who likes to farm, loves their characters, and recycles them around 55 or so. I just kind of plod along and do my own thing. I restarted recently, I have a lvl 12 Blood Elf Warlock on Steamwheedle Cartel.

    I'm really not into MoP. You give me Death Knights, Dranei, Were wolves, and destroy the freakin world. Now I get Kung fu panda. Nope, not my thing. I like my char. hot and bad@ss, thank you very much.

    I agree, the Pandarian race does not appeal to me at all. I have no desire to play one of them, lol. I'll stick to my undead character with the saggy tits and all! HAHA :bigsmile:
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    I played from release up until about 6 months ago. Raided in vanilla and then got way into pvp. I was pumped for Rated Battle Grounds in cata, but blizz just seemed to stall out when it came to adding features and fixing maps etc. Cross realm teams came too late. I might pick up MoP but haven't decided yet.

    Yeah, I love me some PvP. Rather, I love healing in PvP... I feel like a superhero. Not sure how I feel about the Cross-realm thing yet, I have mixed feelings so far.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    I will add this. Good thing I played Horde, otherwise date number 2 would never have happened with my wife! =P And that's what SHE says!


    That is actually really cool. My ex wife played with me, but she only played because I did.

    She really didn't get into it.

    That being said, it would be awesome if I could find myself a female who actually likes games.

    So grats man, sounds like you got a good catch!

    Well, looking at this thread, we do exist! I love how many girls have responded to this thread.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    Personally not thrilled by MoP so far... Up until level 14 it was semi-cool, then I chose my faction & now I'm doing all the same quests I've already done.

    Unfortunately, that's pretty much what it's like. Although, of course, for most of the low to medium levels, there are different areas to quest in so you can get a little bit of change, too. But in general, it gets repetitive if you start many new characters. That's why most people I knew have only a few chars which they've leveled up and then do PvP, raids, etc. to get good gear or just for fun.

    But I feel your pain. The questing is my main focus on WoW and it gets old quite soon.

    Ughhh good to know, since I'm newer. The Worgen really have the most intriguing beginning, I think, & I was hoping for more of that. Oh well. I guess it's just time to keep leveling up my few favorite characters!

    Yes, the low level quests in most of the starting areas for the new races are a lot more fun than the original ones. I don't know how high up you are but some of the later Cataclysm quests are also quite fun.

    I haven't tried the Worgen yet, buy I would start one of those before a panda currently, lol. I think my goal right now is to max level my priest, and work on getting her some nice gear and start raiding as heals. No plans for any alt characters for a while, I like having one fairly decently geared character before I move on.

    I have yet to join any guilds/do any raiding etc. I'm not so much into the social aspect, but apparently that's where all the good stuff lies lol

    Yeah, the socialness of WoW is really nice. Plus, if you join a guild, you get a lot of nice perks, including XP bonus.