Self control

I need help! I have a problem with self control. My hubby eats out a lot and has pastries and such in the kitchen all the time. I am usually the one to make his meals and I generally cook him what he wants. It is SO hard not to eat what he eats. I know that resisting the temptations is just something I have to do in order to be successful and healthy, but i was wondering if anyone had some self control tips or advice. Thanks!


  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    Hiya, My boyfriend eats mostly what I would call s**t. Unfortunately I am a mug and cook it for him, so when I am preparing his food I chew gum (gum with looooads of menthol because if you were to take it out of your mouth and have a quick taste you get that just brushed your teeth minty ewww flavour) I'll sometimes chew it when I'm making my own stuff too if his food is about.
    But the thing I have found most helpful is I tell him "If you can't be bothered making your own food, you just have to eat the same as me" usually the fact that what I'm eating has better nutritional content curbs his desire to eat awfully, but on the days where I'm not as organised and he goes to the shop and buys loads of munch, I go for gum!
    Also if I'm in a situation (eg, we decided to watch a movie together) and I am going to find it difficult to concentrate on the film as I'm actually watching him put a sharing bag of crisps in his mouth, one crisp at a time, then I get things like lettuce or celery sticks and a tub of salsa and leaf by leaf dip it in the salsa, eat sugar free jelly, or dip strawberries in a tsp of cocoa made into a paste with hot water and stevia (it's like melted dark choc, but not as bad) you know, things that have alot of taste but don't add up as much.
    My self control definitely needs some work though, especially when I'm tired, but sometimes it's just because I've denied myself enough good fats and carbs that I grab for a big slice of sat fat and sugar "by accident". I guess part of it is also negative suggestion, the more I tell myself not to do something the more I feel the need to do it, you know, the old DO NOT PUSH THE BIG RED BUTTON! thing.
    Don't know if any of that nonsense I just wrote is of help to you, but I hope it makes sense :)
  • 11Payne
    Thank you!! That helped me tremendously.