How Did You Do It?

All of you successful people, what foods did you eat, and did you ALL eat 5-6 times a day? What exercises did you do?


  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I am eating anything I want but mostly proteins and veges and fruit. I exercise to Jillian Michaels or on my elliptical. I just stopped nursing and readjusted my calories so the weight is coming off again fairly quickly.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Still learning, but things that have really helped me:

    Eating frequently (so yes 5-6 times a day)
    Eating more protein (like twice as much as before and trying to get it higher)
    More strength (doing new rules of lifting for women), less cardio.
    Not eating too little (see groups like in place of a road map)
    Giving up the all or nothing mentality. If I mess up a day, I just keep trying the next day. If I mess up a meal, I just keep trying for the next meal.
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Pfft, I have breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack if I want it and dinner. I'm doing really well and losing quicker than I expected, I eat all my alloted calories and most of my exercise calories (cept yesterday, I was NOT hungry and was unfortunatley way under)
  • 709sherry
    709sherry Posts: 33 Member
    That is also how I am doing it. Seems healthiest to me!
  • Hi! I eat a lot more often than I used to...I eat little things all day long. I do not necessarily deprive myself of anything, I eat whatever it is I want (at some point). For example, if I am craving pizza I put it off and say on Friday night I will have pizza. It is typically a one-slicer with a is just to get the itch out and to not feel like you are on a diet. This is a way of life and in order for it to be sustainable you have to mentally be ok with the changes. I eat ice cream and chocolate, but I measure, weight and track everything. I have lost 177 pounds so far (116 with myfitnesspal). I feel comfortable with my eating so far, but I guess the trick is to serve yourself what you normally would, then cut it down by half or even a third.
  • Wow, ok. It's great to hear a lot of different views on this. @heatherloves... I had heard that doing more lifting is better than doing cardio. Maybe I'll try that
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    This worked in another thread, so I will try it here.

    I used the K I S S Method.
    Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Buy a food scale and measuring cups.
    Keep extremely accurate calorie counts.
    GO slow. You didn't get fat overnight, you are not gonna lose it over night.
    Make gradual Changes. One change at a time.
    Don't worry about carbs, protiens, fats, micros, macros or any other stuff like that right away.
    You could gradually work into those things.
    Work out. Cardio, weights, whatever. Just start moving.

    If you lie on your calories and workouts, you are only lieing to yourself.

    Final and most important. HIDE THE F@CKING scale and weigh yourself ONCE a week. On the same day, same time.
  • Hi! I eat a lot more often than I used to...I eat little things all day long. I do not necessarily deprive myself of anything, I eat whatever it is I want (at some point). For example, if I am craving pizza I put it off and say on Friday night I will have pizza. It is typically a one-slicer with a is just to get the itch out and to not feel like you are on a diet. This is a way of life and in order for it to be sustainable you have to mentally be ok with the changes. I eat ice cream and chocolate, but I measure, weight and track everything. I have lost 177 pounds so far (116 with myfitnesspal). I feel comfortable with my eating so far, but I guess the trick is to serve yourself what you normally would, then cut it down by half or even a third.

    "This is a way of life and in order for it to sustainable you have to be mentally ok with the changes".

    THAT right there, is the meat of the matter. In order to start losing weight, I had to stop thinking of being 'on a diet'. Had to start making eating healthy my way of life. Not beating myself up for a 'bad' day was/is important too. I just work twice as hard the next day.
    I'm not losing the 'weight' as I'd like to, but the changes in my body are outrageous, and I feel like I'm 10 years younger. Actually, I feel better than I did 10 years ago.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    Move more, eat less. I eat what I want, just less of it. For me, any diet that restricts me from eating what I love won't work. Exercise is very individualistic. Find something you love to do. For me, it is running and bike riding.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Eat when your hungry - eat healthy (most of the time) - lift heavy with some cardio thrown in there.
    Throw away teh scales and use your body measurements as a guide.
    Enjoy what your doing.
  • I'm really liking your post. I've really started to watch my calorie intake for about two weeks now. Last week, I was up and down (mostly up) like a toilet seat, but this week, I am better. I am mostly slightly under my allotment, usually when I'm exercising. So, I'm feeling good.
    I am trying not to deny myself anything, just put it off, and then take a small portion. BUT the big problem is stopping. That I need the practice in.
    Also, after years of being told that I was not eating enough protein, I now realize that I am eating too much protein. I guess having yogurt with lunch is not necessary, but what to replace it with? Most raw veggies give me gas, and I work with kids, so, not a viable alternative.
    I am not hungry this week, so let's see how it goes.
  • This worked in another thread, so I will try it here.

    I used the K I S S Method.
    Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Buy a food scale and measuring cups.
    Keep extremely accurate calorie counts.
    GO slow. You didn't get fat overnight, you are not gonna lose it over night.
    Make gradual Changes. One change at a time.
    Don't worry about carbs, protiens, fats, micros, macros or any other stuff like that right away.
    You could gradually work into those things.
    Work out. Cardio, weights, whatever. Just start moving.

    If you lie on your calories and workouts, you are only lieing to yourself.

    Final and most important. HIDE THE F@CKING scale and weigh yourself ONCE a week. On the same day, same time.
    This. Totally. It's working for me. Cept I need to buy a food scale.
  • Move more, eat less. I eat what I want, just less of it. For me, any diet that restricts me from eating what I love won't work. Exercise is very individualistic. Find something you love to do. For me, it is running and bike riding.

    I think bicycling is a great idea. Where I live, I don't have a way of running or cycling because I live in a pretty bad neighborhood. I mostly exercise indoors unless I go to a park (& that's only twice a weekend).
    I think it's great that you eat what you want, just less of it. I do the same thing, but people on here have told me that I'm not eating the right things so that's why I'm not losing I'm kind of torn as to whether to eat what I want or eat quality calories. I guess it depends on my body type...
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Ate three meals, all relatively around the same cals. Ran a *kitten* ton. Lifted some. Sweated a *kitten* ton. Ate about 100 - 200 exercise cals back. Burned lots of cals. LOTS OF THEM. Didn't ascribe to any drastic cal cutting, weird fad diets or anything that I couldn't work into my schedule. Made it easy for myself. And just stuck the hell with it. Worked pretty well.
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    There are lots of ways to lose weight, but you need to find what best fits in your lifestyle.

    I just started a program called "Eat Stop Eat", which is intermitted fasting. 24 hr fasts, 2 times a week. I've tried weight lifting, running and eating 6 meals a day but I always ended up over eating and not losing any weight. Which was getting VERY frustrating because I wasn't seeing any progress for all my hard work. This week I just started ESE and lowered my calories and I've finally lost 2 pounds (my scale has been the exact same for the past 6+ weeks, so this is exciting!). It really is simple, calories in vs. calories out + healthy foods and exercise.
  • I am not really exercising alot, I am doing some random videos from online. I stopped drinking soda. I also cut out red meat from my diet, potatoes, white rice, fast food, and junk food. I eat lean meats, whole grains, brown rice, dairy for protein and baked snacks. I think portion control has made a big difference for me. Also, I do eat every two hours, or so. I have my three main meals, but snack in between. Mainly fruit, and I try to have either fruit or veggies with every meal everyday. Lately I have been slacking with my fruits and veggies, but I am still losing.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    started the same way many do...
    1600cals a day and TONS of cardio....
    worked for a bit.

    then made friends with some wonderful people on here who know wtf theyre doing.
    ran my numbers and started eating ~2500cals a day and moved over to more lifting than cardio.

    im not losing much anymore, but im not sure i need recomposing this temple. :)

    i omitted nothing i didnt want to. i eat whatever i want (6pack of taco bell tacos last night).
    i drink lots of water.

    thats what worked for me.
  • pixelsurgeon88
    pixelsurgeon88 Posts: 39 Member
    - I change my workout regularly as I find its more effective as you body can get use to the same workouts. You have to keep pushing yourself.

    - Lifting weights as it increased my muscle mass and increased my metabolism.

    - Eating clean....fruit, veggie, meat.

    - Most importantly I never denied my body any sorts of foods which allowed me to stick to my diet. For example I ate dark chocolate to curb my cravings for sweets but only did this once a week.

    I do weights twice a week and cardio four times a week and on my rest day I tried to at least go for a walk.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I prefer to only eat 3 times a day, with the occasional piece of fruit in between meals if I'm starving. What I did:

    Fast food every time hell freezes over
    I don't let my husband through the door with chips or junk food anymore.
    No juice
    Very little dairy
    tons of fresh veggies and fruits
    not much bread, and when I do have some, it's almost always homemade whole wheat.
    I try to avoid white flour or enriched white rice or white potatoes
    LOG EVERYTHING. Every single bite!
    I love meat, so I eat a lot of chicken, lean ground beef, steaks and quite a lot of bacon, to be honest. :happy:
    Tons of water

    I am slowly but surely making the switch to clean eating. I want to get to the point where if I can make it myself instead of buying it, I do it.

    I tend to be pretty obsessive over my calorie limit, so I almost never go over them or else I go nuts.

    I exercise 4-5x/wk, except for this week, where I've been majorly slacking.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I vary my workout, depending on how I feel that day. Some days I have lots of energy and can do Turbo Jam. Some days I just go for a walk since I feel tired/stressed.

    I eat whenever I'm hungry, which is about every three hours. I eat pretty much whatever I want, within reason, and I make sure it fits in my calories. That's getting harder now, though, since my weight has come down. But I'm adjusting. Listen to people when they say to make sure you drink lots of water. It's true that it helps curb your appetite. I pretty much always feel full since I drink so much water, so I know it's actual hunger when I feel hungry.

    The only thing I've given up is soda, and I honestly don't miss it. If we go out to eat, I sometimes order a diet soda, but I only drink a little bit. I just don't care for it that much anymore.
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