Below calorie count and still feels like gaining

Hi! Have you ever felt that you still gain even if you are always below your calorie requirement on a daily basis? That's what I felt like these days, I don't know if it's just water or I am not really losing it. Any ideas? Thanks!


  • MonicaFlachman
    What kind of fitness are you doing? Your probably not eating enough calories, eating less is not always the answer. You should be eating small meals very 2-3 hours
  • mayasgroove
    I do eat enough meals throughout the day. I eat about 5-6x including the snacks, just low on carbs though. I wonder if it's sodium or there is just something wrong that I am doing.
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    ya i feel the same right now, but I know its just some hormonal factors and sodium. I would open your diary...
  • Kairunz
    What kind of food are you eating? Despite popular belief it does matter its not enough just to stay under your calories. Eat as much whole raw food as you can. Keep processed food and foods high in sodium to a minimum. Also try to stay away from acidic forming foods. (you can find lists online) Best of luck!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Take a vitamin every day or extra b or d, that sometimes helps a great deal. Also, lots and lots of water. I plateau every 5 or 10 pounds so I mix things up a bit.
  • mayasgroove
    Thanks for the replies guys. I think it must be the sodium. This week has been 'heavy' on those kind of food if not starchy. I was just wondering why even if I was below my calorie allowance. You are right Kairu, it's not enough to be counting the calories and staying below it. Eating the good food is important.
  • nastycivilian
    nastycivilian Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat as you.

    After MONTHS of not losing & sometimes gaining last night I discovered how important your BMR numbers are. I never figured mine out before & when I calculated it I realized I am supposed to be eating 2159 calories a day just to maintain my weight. I've been eating 1200-1300 calories a day for months.. I had no idea I was supposed to be eating that *many* calories! MFP told me to eat 1200 to lose weight!
    So yeah.. I think my body is in starvation mode. Not sure how what your calorie limits are or what you've been eating but if you haven't figured out your BMR yet.. I highly recommend doing it! is the site I used to figure mine out.

    So.. now I need to eat 1659 calories to lose the weight I gained & then I can go to 2159 to maintain once I lose the weight. Had no idea I was supposed to be eating so many calories.. if you're trusting MFP's "goals" for you, don't! Unless you already factored in your BMR & set your calorie needs to the manual setting.

    Hope you can figure out what's going on. Good luck! :)