struggling to stick when at home :-(

hi guys, i've recently become unemployed and am spending a lot of time at home on the net looking for a new job! i'm finding it hard to restrain from reaching for the cookie jar and overeating when i'm feeling so bored and frustrated with the job search...any advice? :-D


  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    My best advice is to get rid of the junk in your home. I have no willpower if something is in my house so I don't bring it into my house. Have healthy snacks all prepped and ready to go. But, being at home that much does make it harder. Good luck!
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    I would also try to get out of the house and get some exercise! I know you are looking for jobs but at least maybe gi ve yourself a "lunchbreak" where you're doing something besides sitting around! I have that probably on the weekend sometimes when I am bored but I eat things that can fit into my plan ok and then it feels like you can snack a lot!
  • slogan
    slogan Posts: 14 Member
    sorry new to this! so would you guys avoid junk food at all costs? i'm afraid by avoiding it ill end up binging someday, haha. what kind of healthy snacks do you recommend, you know low calorie things that tend to fill you up!? i'm trying to drink more water which seems to be helping a bit...
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I think I'd give away the cookie jar, lol. Make home your safe zone...stock it full of your favorite healthy foods and keep any foods that you always find yourself reaching for, out of the house. For me sometimes that's the most random things....for example, I can't buy honey graham crackers for my kids. I love them dunked in milk (carbs and dairy is a big trigger food for me), so I just don't buy them. Keep any trigger foods out of your house, so you set yourself up for success.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I too am unemployed :grumble: and spend a great deal of time on the computer but have curbed eating anything while at the computer but I have something to drink - coffee, water or tea. I make myself go to the kitchen table to eat. I also have burnt CD's that have energizing music that plays all day long (I actually found this has improved my emotional state) - television is barely on anymore. These are just some things I am doing that work for me. I don't know if they will work for you but that's all I can offer. :flowerforyou:
  • slogan
    slogan Posts: 14 Member
    thanks :-) that really helps! i will have a cupboard clear out immediately haha. I find music a great motivator too, must make a new playlist for all this excercise I plan to do...really appreciate your advice guys, thank you! :smile:
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    sorry new to this! so would you guys avoid junk food at all costs? i'm afraid by avoiding it ill end up binging someday, haha. what kind of healthy snacks do you recommend, you know low calorie things that tend to fill you up!? i'm trying to drink more water which seems to be helping a bit...

    No, I eat it sometimes, but usually when I'm out of the house. Or I buy single servings of things on occasion. You want to find snacks that are low calorie, but that you actually like and will eat. Today I had 1/2 of a double fiber english muffin and 1/2 tbsp. of natural peanut butter. I also really like string cheese. I like veggies and hummus. And when it's cold I like hot drinks, so I drink green tea or a sugar free coffeehouse drink that I like.

    But really, I try not to snack too much. I try to eat enough at my meals that I won't feel like I need to. Snacks and unscheduled eating can get me into trouble. I usually need one in the afternoon, but I try to make myself wait until 3:30 or so and sit down at the table and eat it slowly (no mindless eating).
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I know the feeling. I am a stay at home mom and snack all day it seems! The thing that has helped me the most is logging all of my food! It really keeps me on track. When I do feel snacky these are my go to snacks: weight watchers string cheese, laughing cow cheese wedges, 100 calorie popcorn, yogurt, sugar free fat free jello pudding, hershey's kisses (my weakness), honey and chamomille tea. I don't really deprive myself of anything because I know that if I do I will eat other things to fill that void then end up eating what I really wanted to begin with. I just usually try to talk myself out of it first by logging the food before I eat it. I know it's hard, especially when you are bored but you can do it! Stay strong and just try to make the best decisions possible!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I agree with getting rid of the cookie jar. While we have some un-healthy stuff in the house, we keep most of it out. That way, if we do have a craving for that stuff there are extra hoops you have to jump through to get it.
  • slogan
    slogan Posts: 14 Member
    you guys are all so nice! and im impressed at how well your all doing :flowerforyou: feeling a lot better about it already!!!