Worse to be next to on a plane. Bad breath guy or



  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Either one is fine. Just don't seat me near anyone under the age of 13.

    This. I wish there were special "18 and over only" flights.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    1. BO
    2. People that fart
    3. Crying Kids
    4. A person that can't fit into their own seat so they sit on part of mine.
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    omg definitely a baby..i love kids but on a plane please don't put your baby next to me...
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    I think BO would be way worse, you wouldn't be able to get away from it. At least if he just has bad breath you can share some breath mints/gum with him. Or, if all else fails, turn away and under no circumstances, begin a conversation with him.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    BO is worst.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.
  • Bo guy. You can offer a breath mint. Your deodorant is probably checked in your luggage.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.

    Seriously this is the worst. I'm only 6'2" but I was on a 14 1/2 hour flight to Johannesburg and got stuck in a freaking middle seat. Absolute torture...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.

    I sat next to a guy about that size once. OMG! I felt so bad for him, all crammed into that seat. And he was a talker, too. lol I was reading a book, but I think I got through about two sentences the whole flight. But he offered to buy food for my daughter and me on the flight, so I couldn't be too upset with him.

    This is what I know: His name is Tony. He lives in San Diego and owns his own plumbing business that is very highly rated on Yelp. With that information, I did some Googling and I found his business website when I got home.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    well, the lady behind us last time sounded like Sophia from Golden Girls and never shut up for the 4.5 hour flight, so I deem her THE worst! I had headphones on the whole time and could still hear her.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.

    My husband has the same issue. It totally sucks for tall people.
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    I think BO, unless they are a mouth breather....

    Airplane manners:
    Aisle guy - you get the extra room of the aisle
    Window guy - you get the window and wall to lean against

    So IMO....middle seat should get BOTH arm rest.

    Also......it makes me mad when I'm stuck in the middle and the two guys think they are entitled to have my legs space! I want to say "your package can't be THAT big, close your damn legs"
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Never had to sit next to anyone with bad breath or body odor. I've been lucky with people who sit next to the window (I like aisle seats) and sleep pretty much the whole way. I don't mind chatting a little bit, but I definitely don't want to sit next to children unless they're my own...which I don't have any of my own right now. I recently had to fly with my friend and she spilled into my seat. I have never experienced this as I never spilled into anyone's seat and never had anyone do it to me. We flew southwest and we could sit anywhere. I encouraged her to sit wherever she wanted because the plane got full quick and we had to find two seats together. She insisted on sitting right beside me and right in the middle seat. I was really uncomfortable...couldn't move my arms however I wanted to and was pushed up against the side of my seat where the armrest was digging into my leg. I love my friend, but now I understand.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I haven't had the displeasure of sitting next to someone awful yet.

    On my 8 1/2 hour flight from Geneva to New York I actually had a great chat with a British lady for the bulk of the flight.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.

    I sat next to a guy about that size once. OMG! I felt so bad for him, all crammed into that seat. And he was a talker, too. lol I was reading a book, but I think I got through about two sentences the whole flight. But he offered to buy food for my daughter and me on the flight, so I couldn't be too upset with him.

    This is what I know: His name is Tony. He lives in San Diego and owns his own plumbing business that is very highly rated on Yelp. With that information, I did some Googling and I found his business website when I got home.

    I live in San Diego and know who you're talking about LOL.
  • rjsehm5
    rjsehm5 Posts: 39 Member
    BO would be worse for me but what I just can't stand is sitting next to someone who is super sick...coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose every five minutes.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Could they possibly make those damn seats any smaller or closer together?

    I cant stand the guy/girl/ thing, sitting next to me to be elbowing me in the ribs...keep your arms in your lap damn it.

    Try 6'4" and not being able to sit in bulkhead or first class....then you get the inconsiderate jerkoffs that recline their seat.

    I sat next to a guy about that size once. OMG! I felt so bad for him, all crammed into that seat. And he was a talker, too. lol I was reading a book, but I think I got through about two sentences the whole flight. But he offered to buy food for my daughter and me on the flight, so I couldn't be too upset with him.

    This is what I know: His name is Tony. He lives in San Diego and owns his own plumbing business that is very highly rated on Yelp. With that information, I did some Googling and I found his business website when I got home.

    I live in San Diego and know who you're talking about LOL.

    Too funny. He was very, very friendly.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I once shared a middle row with a woman and her three kids under the age of 4, for an 11 hour flight to Dubai. By the end of the flight I was babysitting the two oldest kids, because my heart broke for this poor frazzled mom, whose husband was sitting across the aisle from her on the other side, blissfully unaware of the pandemonium with his enormous headphones on. I wanted to kill him. And the kids. But mostly him.
  • SovanJedi
    SovanJedi Posts: 27 Member
    I'll take either of those, just PLEASE don't sit me next to a screaming toddler!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    bad bo guy.. or guy who keeps falling asleep and landing on your shoulder