Italian restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Other half is taking me out for Valentines tonight (Early I know but Sunday's not good for us!):love::smooched: :heart: :blushing:
He's booked a lovely Italian restaurant. I tried to look up a menu online but they don't have one!!

Can anyone suggest 'safe' things to eat, that won't completely ruin the progress I've made this week????

It's so sweet of him to take me out but I've just started to get into my new way of eating & really don't want to blow it in one evening!

Dulcy x


  • tracykeogh28
    hi there!!!

    I have only started the programme myself recently!!! i have been doing the weight watchers programme the past year and lost 42 pound!!

    I found that while having Italian Arbrittia pasta is the best way to go!! in weight watchers its the lightest option to have as it just has a spicy sauce on pasta, no meat and more importanty NO CHEESE!!!

    hope i may have helped a little!!

  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    The exact same thing is happening to me tonight too! I'll be interested to hear people's suggestions on this....:smile:
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Listen to yourselves!
    Your other halves are taking you for a beautiful meal and you want the low cal option? Hey it is once a year. Would one meal be so bad? Just skip dessert if you like a more calorific main course.
    Go out and enjoy yourselves. Eat as little calories through today. Drink vodka with a diet drink or tonic.
    Don't not enjoy your evening by having something when you would prefer something else!
    ENJOY x
  • ollypennie
    ollypennie Posts: 11 Member
    I have to agree with Jaycee, don't let the calories ruin your night out. Don't eat so much during the day maybe add a little exercise in earlier in the day and enjoy your night.

    Lucky girls!!!!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    Listen to yourselves!
    Your other halves are taking you for a beautiful meal and you want the low cal option? Hey it is once a year. Would one meal be so bad? Just skip dessert if you like a more calorific main course.
    Go out and enjoy yourselves. Eat as little calories through today. Drink vodka with a diet drink or tonic.
    Don't not enjoy your evening by having something when you would prefer something else!
    ENJOY x

    I agree with this... sometimes it's okay to splurge. but if you want to try and be a little healthy I would sugest...

    -no (or only one piece) of bread
    -start with a salad, dressing on the side no crutons/cheese
    -wheat pasta, if possible
    -and dont get a cream based sauce, like alfredo

    and if you want to be super good, you could a) split the meal, or b)only eat 1/2 and bring the other 1/2 home for breakfast tomorrow!
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks everyone x I know it's only one night and if I'd been back on the plan for a few weeks then I would worry asmuch, it's just that it's my first week!!:embarassed:

    I'm sure there will be lots I can have on the menu & I'm definitly not going to let on to my otherhalf that I'm being careful what I eat incase it puts him off taking me out again!! LOL x:flowerforyou:

    I've done a little extra excersise today & have (so far) been really careful what I've eaten & have about 1100 cal left. I may need a snack between lunch & going out as we won't be eating til later that usual tonight. And maybe if I'm extra good tomorrow as well I can get away with it! Like you say it's once a year! x
  • dulcy
    dulcy Posts: 69 Member
    Snorker....Hope you have a lovely evening too!:smooched:
  • sportsqueen32
    I agree with them above...start with a salad, and just have a pasta with a tomato base sauce. Make sure to drink plenty during the day as you save calories for a yummy dinner. I also say splurge a little and share your dessert, have him feed it to you, what's more romantic. You can always snack on celery, or other veggies which don't have many calories. Good Luck have fun and remember it's only 1 day if you go overboard.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Snorker....Hope you have a lovely evening too!:smooched:

    Thanks! Enjoy your meal! :flowerforyou:

    And thanks everyone else for your comments! :bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Although I believe in eating 'real' food, splurging for me can lead to bingeing so I am careful.

    I learned early on, that you can eat just about anywhere for less calories.

    In an Italian place I love chicken is high in calories so I eat 1 pc and box up the rest

    I also ask the waitress to:

    keep the bread basket.......or 1 roll on a plate with the garlic butter on the side.

    the vinagerette dressing is usually yummy, again on the side

    or the clear soup-I worked in this industry and nothing is low fat!, but chick noodle or veggie soups are clear and less than milk based

    marinara sauce-has no meat and is all veggies

    angel hair pasta is lighter and feels like you are eating more.........but the bowl is usually 2-3 x a recc portion so eat accordingly

    if they have a fresh grilled fish-go for it! Italians make some of the best fish I have ever tasted. If it has sauce, ask for it on the side

    If you want dessert...........share! A cannoli for 2 will not kill you!

    For me this is a life changing event. NOT A DIET.........I have tried to change my thinking in every thing I do. Going to dinner is something I LOVE LOVE LOVE and was not going to give up. But I lost 36 pounds by thinking before I all situations.

    Have fun and enjoy! This may be the 1st meal ever where you don't leave feeling stuffed to the gills and ready for bed....and I mean sleep :wink: They say it is better for the sex life to not over eat prior to a romantic interlude :bigsmile:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Personally I would enjoy it, and maybe work out a lil extra today .

    but if it really worries you, don't fill up on bread, start with a broth based soup or salad (dressing on side) eat half your entree and take half home, and share your dessert if you have one, it's a lil more romantic t hat way anyways! and then go home and it off? :wink:

    I w ill be eating italian tomorrow as well, and i am going to enjoy every bite, but i am also walking all day (shopping and winterlude here in Canada's capital) so I figure 7 hours of walking and lots of water should balance me out. :o)

    good luck, but most of all, enjoy your time with your hubby :smile: