ppl saying I look too skinny.....

Recently I lost 25 lbs and I'm barley liking the way I look. For my hight it says I should weigh about 140 to 160 and right now I'm at 145. My friends that see me that haven't seen me in a good while says my face looks too skinny and my mother and siter in laws say I'm looking too skinny and my parents say I'm tiny and I don't feel like I look bad at all some pll do compiment n make me feel good but it seems like the ppl that are more close to me don't like it even my bf of 8 yrs I don't know if its cause they were used to seeing me bigger or what it is but it makes me not be as motivated even though I'm doing everything right eating, working out and everything I don't get it!


  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    Well done on your weight loss :0) Please do not feel unmotivated by other ppl, I'm sure you look great. I am currently weighing 146 and I am 5'6 and sometimes feel like my face is a little thin now but its way better than when I was weighing 196.

    What height are you??
  • I think if you feel good that's the ticket. These people can just get used to it!
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Plain & simple,...people dont like change,.....so you look diff,good 4 you,u wrked hard ,and you deserve it!! they're are just use 2 u looking a certain way,....u did'nt loose weight to make them feel more comfortable right?,...aslong as you feel good,to heck w/ others opinions!!
  • I think I'm like 5'6. 1/2 or 5'7 not sure my drivers licence says 5'6. But ppl that say they are 5'6 I'm usually taller that them and they guress about 5'7 or 5'8
  • kimberlydoll
    kimberlydoll Posts: 4 Member
    Based on your profile pic Id say you look great! I think people close to you are used to seeing you heavier and thats why they say that (but a stranger who has never seen you when you were heavy will say you look great...they dont have anything to compare it to).

    I had the same issue when I went from 5'4 150 lbs to 118 lbs. I think for my height the range is 110-140 so Im at the lower end like you but Im still considered in the healthy range. My family and close friends (most of whom are overweight) said the same thing to me...yet I started getting hit on constantly and getting told I look very good by people who didnt know me before.

    Dont lose motivation! Do what feels good for you and not for anyone else. Even without vanity, I feel so much better now mentally and physically. And I also tell myself, if I keep up these habits Ill live a longer life (I work in a nursing home and dont want to end up with the chronic diseases that I see elders having on a daily basis). Maybe your bf has a thing for girls on the upper-weight side? Some guys do have those preferences. However, you cant have it all...most girls cant have a huge butt and double D's and a tiny waist. The guy I was dating at the time I lost alot of weight mourned the loss of my curves but appreciated the other good parts of my new bod so maybe mention that to your bf?
  • jirsan60
    jirsan60 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I know exactly what you mean. I am 5'10" and my magic/goal weight was 155. I am 159 and wanted to lose 4 more pounds. My family wants me to stop as well as my doctor as they find my face too skinny. I really wanted to reach my goal. My nephew just sent me a picture from his engagement party and for the first time in my life, I looked like skeletor! This is definitly a wake up call. I am now trying to maintain, too afraid to gain back the weight.

    Maybe take a picture of yourself and see if it happens to you. If you are happy with the way you look don't let them discourage you from your goal. The phrase "you can never be too skinny or too rich" is bogus!
  • Pallec
    Pallec Posts: 2
    You need to be at the weight you feel comfortable at and what is healthy for you. You will drive yourself nuts if you worry what everyone else says about your weight.

    I was 275 lbs. I lost 140 lbs on Weight Watchers and I had people telling me the same thing even though my BMI for being 5'11 is 138-179. I looked so thin to everyone because I had been so overweight for so long.

    Be proud of yourself and your accomplishment.
  • aroddick
    aroddick Posts: 6 Member
    I hear you!! I recently lost 18 lbs and feel great. I dont plan to lose any more weight, I want to now build more muscle. My main goal was too get the fat off my middle but I also lost in my face (it's not like you can program where you want to lose it, even though I worked out most on my tummy). Now everyone is saying, " Oh you look great, but DON"T LOSE ANYMORE" and "Your face is too sunk in and drawn. You look sick" of course I get upset and they say, "See you are taking it personally". I think it's because I did it in 10 weeks rather than a year and it's too drastic for them to process. I am sure if I gain 3 or 4 lbs of muscle they will calm down a bit. It's just like I need some more time to get to my right place, it's a process! Geez!
  • aroddick
    aroddick Posts: 6 Member
    You dont look like skeletor!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    They're just jealous, threatened, or feel guilty themselves. You look great! Ignore them! When I lost weight one time and someone made a nasty comment like that to me, I just said that my back pain had disappeared and it was worth it even if I looked skinny to be pain free. That shut them up. :-)
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    My mother just today told me I look "too skinny." I weight 150lbs!! My doctor said I should be between 135 and 150 and I'm shooting for 137 so I've got a ways to go, and am most definitely NOT too skinny. However, she means it out of concern- she's worried about if I'm eating right, if personal issues are causing me to lose weight, etc. maybe your close friends are commenting because they're concerned about your state of mind, not because they think you look bad. If you're being healthy I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    It's very common. People have gotten accustomed to seeing you a certain way, and that has become normal. When you start to lose weight, it clashes with the image in their heads and can come off as "too skinny" even though you're healthy (or even still overweight). I think most of us have gotten these comments at one time or another. If you maintain your loss for a while, though, they taper off and eventually stop as the new, healthy weight becomes your new normal. It's wired into our brains that rapid weight loss is associated with illness, so even when we know differently, our brains can often jump to that concern. Try not to let it get to you.