When will I see it???

I have lost 40+ pounds now and all my friends and family are ooooing and aaaaing over my weight loss. They all tell me that I look a lot better, but I do not see it. All i see is fat, fat, fat....not I am 337 pounds so yea I am fat, but if they can all see it and even ppl I have not seen in years and do not know I am on a weight-loss journey can see it, why can't I!! I still feel gross and frustrated but I know I am losing I just want to see it!!!!

Ok Enough of the pity party!

Sorry to whine!!


  • Honey... I feel ya! I have lost over 200lbs, and to me I am still fat in my head! I mean I can see some of it, but to me I am still fat fat fat! No matter how much I lose I can't feel good enough! You just have to tell yourself, you're doing GREAT! and keep up the good work, and you will see it! Just don't let your mind tell you otherwise! You're doing an awesome job! Dieting isn't easy, it often times gets VERY frustrating but it's worth it!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    That's totally normal and understandable. We get so use to seeing our selves one way and it's plastered in our minds so even when we change even the slightest change we don't notice. It's like our brain is tricking us because other people notice but we don't notice it ourselves. You might not see it now but in due time you will until then just focus on staying dedicated and commited to what your doing. Your going to look in the mirror one day and be like wow I really did it and your going to feel amazing. That is a great accomplishment to lose over 40 pounds that takes encouragement, time and effort. Be proud of yourself because that is amazing. Before you now it your going to be right where you want to be and you'll definitely start noticing changes. Keep up the good work! Good luck to you! :)
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    It takes time for your brain to catch up to your body. How do your clothes fit? Do you take measurements? It took me a while to start seeing it because I "shrank" proportionately, which I guess is a good thing, so I'm the same shape just a slightly smaller version. I am finally starting to notice a difference in my waist and hips, and I've started to notice a little spark in my boyfriend's eye when he looks at me (haven't seen that in a long time). Give it time, you'll start to see it too. You've done an awesome job and you should be very proud of yourself.
  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    Thanks guys....My I have had to buy new clothes because my old ones were way too big, so I know it is working.

    I am just anxious to see it!!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have lost 91 pounds, and just now am I able to see it. My daughter got married this last Monday, and when I saw some of the pics that were taken at her wedding, I finally saw it! It was great. It just takes a while for it to sink in I think!
  • Maybe by buying some new clothes that actuall fit your weightloss you will see it. Big baggy clothes still make you look big when you are looking in the mirror (that's how I feel). Buy a cute top and then you can step back and go WOW....
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Thanks guys....My I have had to buy new clothes because my old ones were way too big, so I know it is working.

    I am just anxious to see it!!

    have you been taking progress pictures? That has been the only way I can *see* it myself, and I've only lost 30+ pounds. If you haven't, start doing it... makes a world of difference
  • Shaigirl79
    Shaigirl79 Posts: 52 Member
    Honestly... you're not alone. It took me almost -75lbs before I actually started seeing a difference in the mirror. My jean size went from a fitted 24 to a very loose and baggy 18, so I knew my body was changing. Plus... like you said... everyone kept commenting on how great I looked. But I couldn't see it in the mirror. I still can't see it in my face, but I finally do see it in my body. Just keep your head up and keep chugging along. You'll wake up one day and it'll hit you! :-)
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks guys....My I have had to buy new clothes because my old ones were way too big, so I know it is working.

    I am just anxious to see it!!

    Girlfriend! That means you are already seeing it!

    I have 142 pounds left to lose. That's more than my biggest kid weighs! I have to lose an entire adult person! It's gonna take a long time.

    It also took a long time for me to see myself as unhealthy as I am. In my mind, I would see myself as a bit heavy, not morbidly obese. It wasn't until my weight started seriously affecting my life in many different weighs that I finally accepted I am really, really big (right now).

    I have a feeling - and my formerly heavy but now skinny friends can confirm this - that even when I get down to my goal weight, it will take a long time before I see myself as anything other than fat. A friend of mine lost 150+ pounds more than a year ago, is 5'8", and now wears a size 8... and she says she STILL envisions herself as fat. She *knows* that she isn't, but she's used to thinking of herself as heavy, so she still does.

    Your self-image is a mindset, and it takes a long time to change a mindset.

    Make up your mind to SEE your weight loss every time your clothes are baggy. Heck, I celebrate every time I go pee... the weight's gotta go somewhere, right?? :)

    40 lbs is great progress! Go you!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Ok, so you have new clothes...do you still have some of your old clothes? Lay one on top of the other to see the difference!

    Love the idea of progress pics! An ex co-worker of mine lost like 100 pounds and made a flip book of her progress pictures. It was amazing!

    Easier said than done but...ignore the negative thoughts and focus on the positive. We are all our own worst critics. I've lost almost 90 pounds and feel really good about myself most of the time but when I see myself in some pictures (I'm just not photogenic) or in certain clothes, my confidence just drops through the floor. You have to learn to shake off these thoughts and focus on your accomplishments and be proud of yourself! You've got a long way to go and thinking any negative thoughts isn't going to help you at all. YOU GOT THIS!

    Which brings me to my next point...patience. I think it's the hardest lesson to learn, especially for those of us with a lot to lose. I started out with a goal of 100 pounds and boy that freaked me out! I had to shove that thought aside, focus on the small goals and just be happy that I was finally doing something good for myself. It's a long row to hoe but you just have to keep at it and keep reminding yourself why you're doing it.

    Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    p.s. wizbeth makes an excellent point and reminded me of another question I was going to ask...

    What exactly is it that you expect to see that will make you feel like you're succeeding? Having lost 40 pounds and needing to buy new clothes is major evidence of progress!

    Also, maybe start taking body measurements?