
I'm sure this has been asked and answered before but does it matter how long and when you exercise. I have been doing the 30 day shred for 2 weeks faithfully but sometimes I have an extra 15 minutes (before getting ready for work or bed) so I hop on my bike. A friend (you know the kind that knows everything) told me I should not bother because 15 minutes isn't worth it. Sometimes these little rides can add up to a few hours for the week. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    All movement, no matter how long, how short is GOOD! That is my unprofessional opinion anyhow! LOL Great Job!
  • doctork29
    doctork29 Posts: 15 Member
    15 minutes won't necessarily improve and increase your cardio output, but any exercise, no matter how long, burns calories and is definitely worth it in the long run. Good luck.
  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    In 15 mins you can burn quite a few calories, these add up and over a couple of weeks can mean an extra pound coming off. Also a short burst of activity can also raise your metabolic rate for a good coupke of hours (meaning more calorie loss) and exercise has been shown to reduce appetitte. You should fit in exercise when ever you can, even if it means walking the stairs instead of taking the lift, walking to the local shop instead of taking the car etc. Each thing will help with the overall weight loss and make you that little bit healtier. I would continue and ignore your friend.
  • 3Schnauzers
    Pay no attention to that person...15 minutes ads up...builds muscle, gives you additional energy to start your day and will keep you motivated. There is a recent article in Prevention magazine that talks about the importance of ANY kind of exercise.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    Every little bit helps. You're not improving cardiovascular health at that time interval, but you're keeping your body alert and training your muscles to work when YOU want them to, not just when it's "time to work out."

    I say absolutely go for it! If you have 20 minutes to spare and you choose a healthy, productive activity, you're on the right track! Good for you for picking the exercise bike over the tv, snacking, etc. Keep that great attitude going! :happy:
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    any kind of exercise is good no matter how long it is..and it is better than setting on the couch or in a recliner.. and those 15 minutes add up over a weeks time..Just keep doing what you are doing and let the friend know that they are wrong on this issue..
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have a book called PREVENTION 2008 SHORTCUTS TO BIG WEIGHT LOSS by Chris Freytag. It talks about getting it 10 minute workouts, whenever you can. Like working out while watching tv. ( free weights are quiet and you can lift them while watching your favorite show) It has some great workouts that take 10 minutes. The idea being just the opposite of what your friend is saying. That any workout is good just get moving.

    I would also agree you are probably not going to gain a lot for cardio doing this but it is burning calories and will help the weight come off and the exercises can tone your body!

    That being said, I started reading a different book last night by Dr. Rob Huizenga (Biggest Loser Doctor) called WHERE DID ALL THE FAT GO? THE WOW! PRESCIPTION and he talks about he contestants and the ones that lose the big amounts at home after leaving are the ones that devote at least 2 hours a day to working out. And they cut their tv viewing to almost nothing. Instead of watching tv like they used to do they work out. I am only 15 pages into the book but it has me intrigued already.