What are your mini goals?

I think it is a great motivator realzing what my mini goals are. So get motivated and post your mini goals for the next month here. Make them sensible and realistic! You may be dissapointed if you do not get to your goal, but super excitied if you go past it, so Im keeping mine small!

CW: 149
Week 1: 148
Week 2: 146
Week 3: 144.5
Week 4: 143
Goal Wieght:: 130


  • dasmith01
    dasmith01 Posts: 5 Member
    My mini goals aren't "weight" related, but I'm going to:

    Not drink any more regular soda
    Not eat heavy snacks late at night
    only drink alcohol on the weekend (it has a lot of calories I'm sure!)
    NOT GIVE UP!!!