Weight loss to help fertility???

Anyone Losing weight to help fertility?? I am not diagnosed with PCOS but I have alot in common. When my weight is high I create too much estrogen and it makes my cycles crazy and unpredictable. I am still trying to lose weight from my previous pregnancy. I gained 60 lbs and I have only lost 10 lbs in 14 months. I really want to have another baby but I Havent been ovulating so I need to lose this weight...Anyone else???


  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Well infertility is not my case but I have two friends that suffer from PCOS. Weight loss has helped and one of my coworkers went as far as the gastic sleeve so that she can get pregnant. Even myself I remember I lost 10 pounds and boy immediately because pregnant . So there is hope eat right and work out. Good luck!
  • my doctor told me that is I loss weight it would be easier to get prego
  • 100PoundClub
    100PoundClub Posts: 2 Member
    I am losing weight for fertility. I don't have PCOS but have a long history of miscarriages and now Infertility. I have done so much research on weight and fertility and how they overlap and losing weight can only help! I have been trying for baby #3 for 2 years now and have struggled with getting pregnant. I don't think the fact that last cycle I finally got pregnant (early miscarriage) after losing 25 pounds was a coincidence. I am ready to keep losing weight while I wait for a sticky pregnancy! I look forward to supporting you!
  • Hi,

    My husband and I have been trying for 3 years to conceive our first child. My BMI was 37 and the doctors told me I had signs of PCOS on one ovary and I had to get my BMI down to under 35 before they would start fertility treatments.

    I was depressed by this and tried for over a year to lose the weight but could only move 3 kg. I then finally bit the bullet and got a personal trainer and the weight started to shift, slowly but it came off. My BMI is now under 34 and I've lost about 8kg.

    We're hoping to start IVF soon but will have to pay for the first cycle as I don't qualify for free IVF because my BMI is not under 30. So we're using all our current and future savings to pay for this and I'm trying to keep the weight loss going in case this round doesn't work and try to get the next one free. Only 10kg to go!

    Everyone tells me weight loss will help fertility for both males and females so I'm going to do my best to keep it going. I've also just started the 5:2 diet which has good results and should also improve my health over the long term.

    I feel for anyone in the same situation and would love to hear from others who have been able to conceive after weight loss.
  • sleepygirl38
    sleepygirl38 Posts: 114 Member
    I am 25 and got married this year. When I was 13, I had health problems and my gyno told me it would be better for me to have kids early. Plus my mom had 3 miscarriages before she had me. So of course I am worried about my fertility. I am actually seeing the gyno in just over a week, and I will have to ask him some questions. A huge reason I am loosing weight is because I am ready to start my family. My husband and I want three kids.

    Also as a side note it is aggravating seeing people our age getting knocked up al around us.