Jogging and ...peeing

I have decided I'm going to run. So to start I'm jogging as long as I can and then walking. I can jog a minute or so and then walk. I can do this about 5 times then I HAVE to PEE. I have to turn around and walk quickly back home to use the bathroom. Is it because of my weight (200 lbs) and age (50)? As soon as I get jogging I feel the pressure and have to go. Sometimes a lot and sometimes dribbles. Is this just in my head?
I've now found a little park with bathrooms. So I drive all the way there, do my little walk/jog about 5 times, then use the bathroom and I'm good to go another 5 times. But it would be nice to be able to walk/jog anywhere and not have to drive to get exercise.
My question is does this go away? Once I lose some weight will the pressure stop? What do marathon runners do?


  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I'm glad You asked I'm only 27 and this happens to me too. It happen about 15 min doing most exercise, but with runing it happen faster. I have been glad I make it.
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    Same here! When I jog, I could probably stop and pee every 5 minutes. I have to really limit my water intake for at least 2 hours prior to running or I have issues. If I have coffee prior to running, it's even worse! My solution is to pee every 5-10 minutes for 30 minutes to an hour before running and trying to find jogging areas with facilities (or bushes :blushing: ). I've always discounted it to my age (41) and four kids.

    I just do my best to deal with the situation because I love running!
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    Well I hope this goes away. My trainer tells me to be hydrated but I think I will skip drinking an hour before I go. Very annoying. I just get into a zone of my walk/jog and have to go!
    Plus I think they lock the bathrooms in the park during winter. I guess I could go to the gym but it is so much nicer outside.
  • Geez gals....I dont know. I am 56 and run 4 miles and dont have that problem. I have lost 54 lbs but started running again at 35 lbs lost so I dont know if the weight plays a part in it or not. Would love to know, tho.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I am 41 and don't have that issue either. I always run after a couple of cups of coffee too. I do pee like crazy when I get home, though (after 3-6 miles). Hmmm. I hope you figure it out!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm 23 and have that problem, except that I don't jog. It happens with jumping jacks. Very uncomfortable! I take it as a product of my weight gain, and the problem has lessened after losing enough weight.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    could this be a pelvic floor issue? I know a few women who have had children and they can't run or do things like jumping jacks, because of their pelvic floor muscles not being strong enough to handle the movement?
    THough i think from what they say, they can become a little incontinent so maybe not the same thing?
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    I'm hoping it is the weight. I am overweight by 50 lbs so a lot of jiggling going on and I carry a lot of weight around my tummy. Hoping once I lose some weight and not so much pressure on my midsection it will get better. Course maybe I just have a tiny bladder. LOL.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Peeps often how I can exercise so long without peeing. I just say, "Depends..." :blushing:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    could this be a pelvic floor issue? I know a few women who have had children and they can't run or do things like jumping jacks, because of their pelvic floor muscles not being strong enough to handle the movement?
    THough i think from what they say, they can become a little incontinent so maybe not the same thing?

    While I imagine there is a lot of truth to your statement, I haven't had kids so I don't know about me! :frown: I wish I had a good reason like that! :smokin:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Don't know what your neighborhood looks like, but perhaps learning to squat in the bushes will help. I know for this country girl, it is hands down the handiest skill I ever learned, LOL. When I was pregnant and walking for exercise, I would get to the stop sign and have to pee! No way I could have made it home, so mama learned a new skill set :blushing:

    That being said, it is (unfortulately) quite normal. Pantiliners are helpful, but if it continues to be bothersome, chat with your doc about it. Could be a medical issue and he might have suggestions. Also, kegels will not only help strengthen the pelvic floor, but also help tighten the whole kitty up which is a win-win situation. :wink:
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    When I started a walking routine earlier in the year, it was the same thing, and it eventually went away. i think part of it is mental. LOL. BTW, I am right with you on jogging. I just downloaded Couch 2 5K on my iPhone. It is an app that times you. It starts with jogging a minute, then walking 90 seconds for the first three workouts and then the second week you go to 90 seconds. I just started the second week. It helps to have someone timing you telling you when to run and when to walk. :)
  • barbera8
    barbera8 Posts: 1 Member
    Could it be the beginning of urinary incontinence? This especially happens after having children. Try using the vaginal cones and exercise those lower muscles. I am 40 and after having 6 children all over 9lbs Kegel exercises were just not enough.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I do not have these problems (though I always used to feel like I had to pee when trying to climb the rope in gym class)... Anywho, I did find this:
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    See i have this problem with jumping jacks, and at its worst is the week before my period. My pelvic floor might now be all that strong but i do the kegels everyday. I think it will just go away after a while, but i don't drink 8 glasses of water before i run, i drink maybe 1 or 2 about 2-4 hours before and it seems to help. I'm 24 and have an 8 month old. Although I think I just have a pea for a bladder lol although i have noticed that since my tummy has been getting smaller i don't have to pee as much while sitting (which when I was heavier used to be of an issue), so i wonder if there is a correlation.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've started having this same issue in the last yearish. I'm not overweight and I gave birth to my one child nearly 7 years ago. I just stopped drinking any fluids within at least 60 minutes of a run. I don't drink anything the morning of a long run but I do push fluids like crazy the day before and I carry water on the long run. I've also been known to just pee in the bushes a time or two.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Sorry to be crass. I understand..but I am in my 50's. I would see a qualified nutritionalist or internal MD rather than speculate here. Mine was solved through dietary changes.

    I wish you the best!
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I never have to pee when I run, but a good run will act as a laxative for me! :embarassed:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I never have to pee when I run, but a good run will act as a laxative for me! :embarassed:

    lol! me too...
  • BIRT1956
    BIRT1956 Posts: 31 Member
    I also have this problem. It was really bad when I weighed 283 lbs. I've lost 123 lbs over the last years and it had gotten much better. But I have noticed this past year it has come back with a vengeance. I contribute it to my getting older. I know I will have to visit my doctor soon to find out exactly what is going on but until that time I just wear a Poise panty liner pad.:blushing: