Interesting low carb options?



  • kaiteboo
    kaiteboo Posts: 141 Member

    this page has step by step instructions...
  • Huiminlovesfood
    Hi I am on metformin too, but I am one of the lucky ones who experienced no side effects. Take it with a meal I suggest! Btw any weight loss while on it?
  • EmiluuRuiz
    also check out the low carb recipes on skinnytaste...

    the zucchini pizza bites are awesome :)

    Im just now checking out this website. It is pretty awesome and I was completely unaware of it. I am doing low carb, not all of these recipes are applicable to my diet, but some are! Definitely adding it to my list of websites for tasty recipes!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    All of these sound great and I am a lot less overwhelmed! Thank you all for your responses!

    I don't know that I can credit my weight loss to metformin. For the first 5 months I made no lifestyle changes and gained 10 pounds. When I eat lower carb (under 150g a day instead of the 300g+ I was eating) I do much better with it. I imagine that further limiting my carb intake would boost my success and make my tummy feel better.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Okay, so I am sick of being sick to my stomach every day. The medicine I take for insulin resistance interacts terribly with high carb foods. I've been dealing with this for a year now. The doctor recommended I keep my carbs as low as possible to avoid this side effect, and I've been in denial for a year. I've been trying to keep my carbs under 115 a day, which already feels impossible, but I need some help cutting out even more so I can stop running to the bathroom after dinner every night and eating my body weight in tums.

    What are some substitutions you've made for lowering your carbs? Any recipes you live by that you care to pass along?

    Check out the site, TONS of low carb recipes, even ones for breads, pizzas, all using whole ingredients! Gonna try some out this weekend, but check it out and see what you think :)
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    i know my friends are laughin, cause they know i have to share this one... almond butter on apple wedges! I blend my own almond butter (its SOOOooo easy- just throw a sm bag of nuts into the food processor and let 'er rip til they turn to goo). Both apples and almonds have a small amount of carbs, but they are naturally occurring, so they don't cause that blood sugar spike. Apples have a est glycemic index of only 3, and almonds have a 0! (Just try to go organic and surely don't do GMO apples, as I have seen them cause sugar spikes... freaky weird!) I make almond butter about 2x/week, and eat this snack 2+x/day- it's my go-to, staple food!