Intro and Progress

I came across on Sept. 4th (this year) while looking for a website to keep track of calories. I've never in my life been one of those to even look at how many calories, fat, sugars, etc..were in the foods I was eating. As a child, teenager and younger woman, even with after having most of my children, I never had an issue with my weight. That is until my active duty military contract was done, I had my last child ( I have 4 little ones)and I turned 30. It was like my body said, that's it, I give up. Since 2010 I put on 37 lbs! I was weighing my pregnancy weight all the time and was very unhappy about it. I tried eating better and nothing changed, I started being more active and still nothing changed. My husband and I finally said "Ok, we both need to get into shape so we can be healthier." So like many, it became our new years resolution. He's done fantastic, lost lots of inches and pounds (despite having back surgery in April). I on the other hand did good for almost 3 months, lost my drive and stopped all together. On September 4th I joined our local YMCA and found that I really enjoy working out on my own. I do my own routine and at my own pace. I'm not a gym rat by any means. I work out for 60-90 mins and try to go at least 4 times a week if my schedule allows. I've been logging all my meals, workouts and measurements into myfitnesspal and have been so pleased with the results! I do wish there was a way to figure out actual calories burned while weight training on the website rather than the general strength training option, though I'm sure there probably is and I just haven't figured it out yet. I'm so very pleased to share, that to date I've lost 13 lbs. 4 of those pounds have only been in the last 24 days since I've started to get into shape again. Also in these last 24 days, I've lost 3" in my waist, 2" in my hips and a little over a 1 1/2" in each leg. These areas are my trouble spots just like many other women, especially those with many children. I feel so much better, I have more energy and like my profile quote says..I don't just come to the gym for my health, I come so I can look good naked. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin again. I feel more attractive for my husband and more importantly for myself. I enjoy looking at my reflection now. I find myself looking at what's on the label for my foods all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the foods I love. I just don't eat as much of it and instead give myself a "treat" now and then. I'm so thankful for such a user-friendly website that is really and truly helpful. Can't wait to see what the next month holds!
