skinny calves

Has anyone with skinny calves had any luck building muscle on them. Mine measure about 12" and because of my genetics it seems impossible to add any size to them. It would be great to add a couple of inches to them.


  • 8Spokes
    What have you tried so far?
  • btkkterry
    What have you tried so far?
    Mountain biking, running, I try and lift heavy on the leg machines at the gym but haven't had any luck
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    One thing I take pride on are my legs. Got really strong calves, hamstrings, quads, knees, and ankles. Genetics for sure.

    Honestly the best thing you can do is lift heavy(unless you've got a medical condition.) My friend had the same thing. Pretty much the "friends don't let friends skip leg day" type of calves. Top heavy. So he started a routine doing 7-8 workouts a day. Definitely helped him. Isn't embarrassed about wearing shorts anymore. This is a muscle that takes time. A LOT of time to show results if you don't have fat to begin with in your calves. So give it time.

    Good luck.
  • btkkterry
    One thing I take pride on are my legs. Got really strong calves, hamstrings, quads, knees, and ankles. Genetics for sure.

    Honestly the best thing you can do is lift heavy(unless you've got a medical condition.) My friend had the same thing. Pretty much the "friends don't let friends skip leg day" type of calves. Top heavy. So he started a routine doing 7-8 workouts a day. Definitely helped him. Isn't embarrassed about wearing shorts anymore. This is a muscle that takes time. A LOT of time to show results if you don't have fat to begin with in your calves. So give it time.

    Good luck.