How Come I Gained Weight????

Just wanted to ask if anyone had an answer for my question-

I am 31 and would like to lose about 8 kgs

I started to eat under 1550 calories per day, doing 30 mins with high resistance on the cross trainer, and alternate between circuits of ab toning one day and leg and arm toning the next day with a rest day once a week, I drink lots of water, eat very clean high protein foods, I eat sprouted bread AND I am breastfeeding a 6 month old as well as caring for 3 toddlers.

Initally in the first week and a half I dropped 2 kgs and could fit into my jeans, now I can still fit in to my jeans but I have gained back 1 whole kg in week two.

What the???


  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I go up and down a kg all the time. Don't stress. Just keep doing what you are doing. It will come down. Just keep positive :flowerforyou:
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Could be fluid retention. I read that fluid retention causes you to weigh more but not be physically bigger. I gain 2kg on fluid when my monthly is due so I don't bother weighing myself for another week.
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    your probably building up muscle aswell honey, I found that when I started out. Things will settle just keep at it babe, and by the way I don't know how you do it with the teeny ones at home! GO YOU!!
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    When you are gaining and losing big numbers like that in your first few weeks it will be water. Not fat, not muscle, not flab, just water.
    Maybe you have changed your diet so that you are eating less sugar, less bread, less cake, less biscuits, more protein, this changes the amount of water your body retains through digestion.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    It will just be your muscles retaining water. If you havent eaten on extra 7000 calories then it surely isn't fat.
  • cthready
    cthready Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks hun, I got a bit discouraged and felt like 'WHY BOTHER??' lets see what happens in the next few weeks...
  • cthready
    cthready Posts: 12 Member
    Sallysuze- I've been eating really clean for a long time now, with the odd carby or sweet thing here or there but not daily, sometimes only weekly, and I've been exercising too, I've just stepped it up a bit and cut my calroie intake down to 1550. I've lost 7kg since my son was born through diet and exercise, so would that still be fluid?...
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    I've lost 7kg since my son was born through diet and exercise, so would that still be fluid?...
    Given that you are bfing, and only 6 months from doing the whole pregnancy and birthing hormonal body shake-up, I would say that maybe your body is just dealing with all of that rather than necessarily just due to your diet/exercise.
    Could it be that you might be getting back into a monthly rhythm? I have had some gains like that in my journey that were followed by a big drop the following week, and the only thing that could describe it was monthly hormone changes.

    The 7kg lost since your son was born might have been due to fluid loss and hormonal changes after birth, not necessarily all due to diet/exercise?

    I think that it sounds like you are on the right track, just fuel your body for your lifestyle and for energy for keeping up with the children and for the breastfeeding and you should be heading the right way for fat loss :smile:

    Also too, you are not aiming for a large weight loss, that will mean that it will be slower than perhaps you would like.