New to community weight loss.

Hi there!

I've been on this site for awhile but never have taken full advantage of the community at large. I've lost over 90lbs in the past and gained it all back. I have a feeling that is because I didn't have a support group to help me through so I think it's time to suck it up and be social!

Ironically I am more awkward online than I am in person so bear with me but I look forward to meeting new folks!


  • Hi :) welcome. I'm new too. I literally just joined today.
  • Welcome everyone! :]
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Welcome! Wishing you great success in your weight loss journey!
  • Hiya :)

    I have been on here a while now and have also only just started being social lol

    No idea why tbh because I'm not a shy person and I play wow online so I'm used to online chatting....

    Its nicer joining the community though because there are plenty of people with good advice, or to have a natter with, and to help spur you on!