Exercise Clothes

Please can you help me.... I am apple shaped, overweight and after having 4 c-sections my tummy is a mess (those that have sections will understand) my problem is that no matter what bottoms I wear to fast walk/run they always end up rolling down under my tummy! I want to run more and do the C25K program but I can't do it as I'm spending all my time worrying about or trying to pull up my pants.

Does anyone else have the same problem and can you recommend some tracksuit bottoms please?


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Maybe something with a draw string to keep it up and then a longer top so you don't have to worry? I always ended up in longer tops when my belly was recovering from my section because it sure did make a mess of my tummy.
  • DOB1973
    DOB1973 Posts: 29 Member
    I have had a c section - I wear Nike Capri running pants when I run and to the gym. The have a drawstring in them which really helps.

    D x