Have I got the system correct...

aly23999 Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello! So I want to clarify... is it required that I eat all of my calories every day? On days when I don't exercise that is possible, but on days I do exercise, I don't. When I exercise I usually go hardcore, and burn about 600-800 calories. This adds tremendously to my calorie count for the night and I don't wanna eat those extra calories!!!!! What do I do?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You do have it right, try at least eating some of them and/or reduce the length of time of your workouts.
  • lorijean38
    lorijean38 Posts: 20 Member
    Its important that you remember to fuel your body. Don't always think of it as forcing yourself to have extra calories you don't want .... the more you exercise the more your body relies on the calories set out. If you don't eat enough calories to properly fuel your body ~~ you actually won't lose much weight. Sounds weird but its true.

    If your not hungry - thats different. Never force yourself to eat if your not hungry.
  • First let me say what I am posting is only my opinion, based on my experience and talking to a doctor and nutritionist. Many people will disagree with me and there's lots of discussion about it on this site. Your interpretation of the system is correct. But in my opinion is not necessary to eat ALL of your calories back. That being said I do eat some extra on days I work out. Just make sure you don't eat less that 1200 calores. Good luck.
  • Its important that you remember to fuel your body. Don't always think of it as forcing yourself to have extra calories you don't want .... the more you exercise the more your body relies on the calories set out. If you don't eat enough calories to properly fuel your body ~~ you actually won't lose much weight. Sounds weird but its true.

    If your not hungry - thats different. Never force yourself to eat if your not hungry.

    Sorry didn't mean to post twice, just wanted to say I agree with never force yourself if you aren't hungry.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    If you're not hungry, don't force yourself. If you are hungry, then enjoy the extra calories because you've earned them! I find that if I'm low on calories one day, I generally make up for it the next day anyway. I have one day where I have two exercise classes on the same day. I find it hard to eat all my calories then, so if I go over a little the day after, I don't beat myself up over it. It evens out.

    Check out the reports to make sure you aren't just using the day before as an excuse though. You can see for yourself the difference between evening out and over compensating.
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Tamtastic had a great post this morning detailing her success. She lost 135lbs. I recommend reading that. Lots of good info..including what to do with exercise calories.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    BIG debate on this one! My recommendation is to eat if you're hungry, don't eat if you're not. Others will recommend eating all of them no matter what. Still others will recommend not eating any of them. If you've eaten all of your regular calories and you're not hungry, don't worry about it. Find a balance that works for you, and go with it. If it stops working, find something else.

    Good luck on finding what works!:drinker:
  • thanks for the input. honest, this could be why ive had trouble loosing weight in the past... not fueling correctly. like, today i just ran 7 miles. there is no way ill have the extra 700 calories i earned unless i really go nuts at the bar tonite.....
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