New Challenge: PUSH to the End 2012

** Posted originally in the Motivation & Support - but received a suggestion that I also post it in Fitness & Exercise. So here it is!**

Hello Everyone! I'm hosting my first challenge that I've opened up to the general MFP audience. It will be a Challenge running October 1 - December 22, 2012. This will be a TEAM challenge - members will be split up randomly onto 8 teams. Each team will most likely be comprised of 10-12 people... if there are that many people interested. I think that leaves about 80 spots open, as I have some friends that have already 'joined' the Challenge. I'm taking the first people interested - and will send you invites as you express interest... but... BUT - please really read this introduction over! We need people who are going to be in this challenge from the start to the end. I'm posting the basics on here - so that you can make an informed decision about joining. With it being a TEAM challenge - it's not fair to your team if you drop... heck, it's not fair to you if you drop it! :)

The challenge is based on a few main components -- PUSH -- Positive, Utility, Strength, Hydration.
......... P - Positive or Self-Care - Tasks will vary weekly, but can range from playing to meditation.
......... U - Utility - the Cardio component. Based on walk/run. Distances/time will vary from 30 min/day to 15 miles in a week.
......... S - Strength - This can be done at home or in a gym, with varying levels of difficulty to match to your current ability.
......... H - Hydration - Drink up! Water that is. This challenge starts with 8 cups a day and progresses to 10 cups a day.

Most people enjoy having a "weight loss/tracking" component, so - even though I personally hate that part - there will be a weekly weigh-in required. If you don't want people to know about your weight... don't worry - the only people with access will be the Challenge Leader(s) and Team Captains. Don't weigh in weekly? That's OK, if you state that up front. Your weight will remain the same from one week to the next - but you will need to do a starting weight and an ending weight. BONUS POINTS will be issued to the Individuals with the biggest percentage of weight loss each week. There will also be starting and ending measurements required as a part of the challenge... as so many of us know - the number on the scale doesn't always reflect the progress we are making. Again, BONUS POINTS will be given to individuals at the end who are the biggest inch droppers too... ;)

The challenge starts off at a base level and builds you up through the 12 weeks - so that you should be walking/jogging/running further and longer (at least for people just starting - or people transitioning from walking to jogging to running), able to do more/harder variations of the strength training/building, able to know ways that you can take care of your soul not just your body, and will make sure that you are staying hydrated throughout! We want to have people stick with this challenge for the entire 12 weeks - so please be willing to complete the challenge if you sign up to play.

The challenge will be based on your honesty. No one is going to be monitoring to make sure that you "did" the things that you said you did... I won't be watching Team Threads... etc. There are a number of variations on the weekly tasks - so that this can best fit you and your routine. But, it does have weekly tasks to complete. If your training schedule is rigid - this may not be the challenge for you.

Again - the Cardio component is based on walking/jogging/running (if you want to play but can't/don't do walking - please message me privately to discuss an alternative) and will start off relatively easy with walk/jog/run 30 minutes a day on at least 5 days a week and will progress to the ending week goal of walk/jog/run 15 miles within the week. The Strength Component is based on the 5 "best" strength building exercises you can do anywhere - pushups, situps, squats, lunges, and plank. The Postive/Self-care component varies greatly week to week - but each has explanations and variations to hopefully match up with things that might interest you. And the Hydration Component ranges from 8-10 cups of water per day. This is WATER. Not coffee, juice, etc.

Thanks for looking this over - and if you are interested, please post below! (I'll update here when the Challenge is full)

It's time to Make that PUSH to the End of 2012!!


  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Bump to see if there's any interest.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Well.. glad I originally posted this in Motivation & Support... ha, ha, ha!
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    ok i'm game
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Shameless plugging of my own challenge. Been lots of interest in the other thread but giving it a go here too.
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    Not really sure what I'm supposed to say. My name is Kristen and I'm currently working on losing about 85 lbs to get to my goal. Never done anything like this but I'm up to try new things. Have a great day everyone.
  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    I want to join!
  • Dartmouth501
    Dartmouth501 Posts: 42 Member
    this is just what I need to push me to meeting my goal (last 6-7 pounds) by the end of the year.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Invites were sent!

    And - introductions are done in the Group Thread... it tells you there what to do. :)