Need to be in the best shape of my life! Please advise!

Hi everyone,
So I have been on MFP for a while and got serious about it back in December. I reached my goal weight of 130 a few months ago and since then have been maintaing, however I have recently lowered my goal weight to 120 (I'm 5'4" with a medium/large frame).
Well I got some really exciting news yesterday... I go to University of Central Florida and every year we do the Miss UCF pageant. It's a pretty big deal, everyone on campus knows about it and all the contestants get scholarships, and the winner goes on to compete in Miss Florida and possibly Miss America. Well I auditioned just for fun (I've never done a pageant or been a glamour type girl) and I GOT CHOSEN!! I am beyond thrilled and honored!
I doubt I'll win since I have noooo pageant experience, but I'd still like to do well. There is a bikini portion and I'm nervous about it. It's time to kick my butt in gear! Can you look at what my plan is and tell me your thoughts? I don't have the date for the event yet, but I think it's within the next couple of months.

I want to strength train 3 days a week and do cardio 5 days a week, with one rest day per week. My maintenance calories with exercise is somewhere between 2200-2500, so I was planning on eating 1900 calories a day, and not eating exercise calories back since I included them in my maintenance amount. I have been lifting heavy for months, however I am recently having knee problems (just posted a topic about it) so the heavy squats and lunges and such are out for now. Any recommendations on low impact strength training I can do? Deadlifts might be okay, I haven't tried them. For cardio I'll probably do some biking, jogging, swimming, and hip hop and kickboxing classes.

What do you think? I've lost weight successfully already, but it's never been as crucial as it is now. I need to lose fat while still maintaining my muscle (luckily I've built up some muscle from heavy lifting the past few months!) Does this sound like a good plan for that?


  • I can't really advise you but just wanted to say well done on being chosen! :)
  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    Take this to a trainer...They will get you where you want to be!

    p.s. if i was closer i would help ya :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I can't really advise you but just wanted to say well done on being chosen! :)

    Thank you so much! :)
    Take this to a trainer...They will get you where you want to be!

    p.s. if i was closer i would help ya :)

    Haha, I wish I could afford a trainer. I don't even pay for a gym, I go to my campus gym because it's free. Broke college student here :P But thank you!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Bumpity buuuummpp? :smile:
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    Wow! Great job!
  • That is so awesome! happy for you! :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Thank you both very much!! Still looking for some advice though.
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    I know at some colleges they have trainers that work with people at the gym. You could possibly ask one if they would be willing to look over your plan and offer suggestions. From what I read about your plan, it looks to be a very good one. :) Congrats btw on reaching ur first goal weight and being chosen! That's awesome!
  • Well done. To get a great shape very quickly why don't you do jillian Michaels ripped in 30 or 30 day shred DVD.
    You will lose inches and build muscle.
  • Bella_DiVine
    Bella_DiVine Posts: 46 Member
    Well done! I'm sure you'll do great.
  • KatiaClouse
    KatiaClouse Posts: 27 Member
    Don't have any fitness advice for you, but congratulations and good luck! Being in a pageant can be a wonderful experience, enjoy it!
  • You should deffinately talk to a nutritionist/personal trainer, they could give you the best advice on how to go about this! And.... CONGRADUATIONSSS
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Congrats on being chosen! Good luck with the competition!

    Look into Jamie Eason's Burning the Fat Program on She looks amazing and has a couple of programs. Make sure you get enough fat and protein so your body composition improves. Your calorie goal looks good but increase it if you're feeling fatigued, esp if your new program ends up being more intense than what you've been doing. 300-500 calorie deficit but probably not a good idea to do more.

    Stiff-legged deadlifts are great for your legs without being hard on your knees. If the program calls for regular deadlifts, you can substitute SLDL's to make sure you're not limping onto that stage!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Congrats! Your training plan seems agressive on the cardio side at 5 days per week but you are young and may be able to recover adequatley. I'd just be sensitive to fatigue and take a rest day from the cardio at anytime I was feeling tired or lethargic. My priority would be the strength training as that will have the biggest impact on your body shape. Good luck and best wishes!!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    Haha, I wish I could afford a trainer. I don't even pay for a gym, I go to my campus gym because it's free. Broke college student here :P But thank you!

    haven't read all the replies yet... but I wanted to reply to this one... I have a friend who is in her last semester of getting a bachelors in kinesthiology (not sure I spelled it right) and she offers her services (as an unregistered trainer and she is very upfront about not yet being registered or degreed) to fellow students for free in order to work on her "portfolio"... you might find someone like that...

    and then when you win and kick butt... and win and kick some more butt... :wink: it looks good to have Miss America in their portfolio :wink:
  • Haha, I wish I could afford a trainer. I don't even pay for a gym, I go to my campus gym because it's free. Broke college student here :P But thank you!

    haven't read all the replies yet... but I wanted to reply to this one... I have a friend who is in her last semester of getting a bachelors in kinesthiology (not sure I spelled it right) and she offers her services (as an unregistered trainer and she is very upfront about not yet being registered or degreed) to fellow students for free in order to work on her "portfolio"... you might find someone like that...

    and then when you win and kick butt... and win and kick some more butt... :wink: it looks good to have Miss America in their portfolio :wink:

    That is an awesome idea! And congratulations on being chosen! All the best! Oh! Try lower carb than what you've been doing and increase your protein - that will preserve your muscle and get at the stored fat.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I'll definitely look into finding a trainer who is offering services for free or very cheap. I'm also going to *gulp* try to lower my carb intake. This will be very difficult for me, but it's worth a shot.

    The reason I've added in so much cardio is because the past few months I've been heavy lifting and doing cardio 1-2 days a week and I haven't seen much change in my body shape. I know I've put on some muscle but none of the fat has really gone away. I'm hoping increasing my cardio a lot will help change that! I'll definitely look into some of the programs you all mentioned too. And thanks for all the congratulations! I am very excited!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do some research. I have read where intense cardio can work at cross purposes to your lifting goals. Also, you can change your body composition so that you lose fat, but without any weight loss, so is the additional 10 pounds weight loss an absolute necessity? It may be that you only need to tweak your diet macros wise, not necessarily calorie wise, to reach your goal.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Do some research. I have read where intense cardio can work at cross purposes to your lifting goals. Also, you can change your body composition so that you lose fat, but without any weight loss, so is the additional 10 pounds weight loss an absolute necessity? It may be that you only need to tweak your diet macros wise, not necessarily calorie wise, to reach your goal.

    No I defintiely don't care about the 10 pounds as long as I lose a few more inches and my remaining belly pooch :P But like I said I've been lifting heavy for months and eating at or below maintenance and not seeing much fat loss at all. And I can't eat too far below maintenance because then I wont' be able to have the strength to keep lifting. So, more cardio seemed like a possible solution. I like to think my macros are alright, I have them at 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein right now, but I do go over on one of them some days (usually carbs or fat, but occasionally protein). I am about to lower my carbs though and try really hard not to go over on those. I do get at least 1g protein per lb of body weight every day, usually more.
  • EDBracken
    EDBracken Posts: 9 Member
    One of the things that I've seen help change body composition is Yoga. You don't have to go to a class because there are any number of good videos out there. Most people overlook yoga because they think it's a low intensity workout, but from experience I can tell you no matter what exercise you have been doing you will have sore muscles after doing one or two yoga classes. When I am serious about it, come out of the gym looking like I've been in a swimming pool because it is so intense I sweat like crazy. You can really focus on your core and any other areas you want to work on. I've found yoga makes me feel better physically and mentally. Try adding 30-45 minutes a couple times a week and see what you think about it.