Hi there, just joined today....

:blushing: please feel free to give me your advise and the guidelines that worked for you, and together we may concur the battle!


  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    Your about me sounds like me. This is a great place for support, encouragement and ideas! Good luck on your journey!
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Hello and welcome! Please add me as a friend! For me I always thought I was "healthy enough" but I wasn't comfy naked or in a bikini...so I decided to do P90X and just went all out, followed their nutrition guide, and stuck with the whole program. Best choice ever!!! Decide. Commit. Succeed. One day at a time, we'll get ya through it!!
  • Zogg6684
    hey there,
    just joined myself one week ago, invited some friends to join also, for support. Best idea I think I have so far. Also check out the recipe page, there seem to be some good recipes on there that look healthy and tasty.
    Good luck and hope you reach your goals. :bigsmile:
  • Sptwoman
    Sptwoman Posts: 77 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. My biggest rule is to sign on to MFP every day. I want to keep this site and the comments from friends on this site with me every day. I confess when I am not at my best and I comment and ask for support. It's also a very good place to celebrate successes. There are some very supportive and understanding folks on this site.
  • cruisinskier
    cruisinskier Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome to MFP and best of luck to you! I am just down the highway in Ontario. Friend request sent....