new here

I am new to this site. I'm not new to trying to lose weight. I have tried off and on for over ten years.
There is high cholesterol and high blood pressure in my family and right now i am the only one not on medicine for it.
I have tried every diet you can imagine. After the second week of each one, i lose my motivation. I get frustrated easily.
Out of all the diets that i have tried the one i did the longest was the Drop ten diet.
I wasn't hungry on this one but after the second week, i was bored. I live in an apartment so any exercise that involves jumping i cant do it.
I have Zumba and while it is fun I get tired easily too. I love dancing. Its so much fun. When i find something i have fun doing a particular exercise i will continue with it. I am just trying to get back in the hundreds as far as my weight.


    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Welcome to the site my new friend! Give me a shout anytime for help.
  • KLPlatinum
    Welcome to MFP. I have found this site great over the past month and a half and have managed to lose 15 pounds without feeling like I am dieting. It's a lifestyle change for me. If you need motivation...feel free to add me.
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    Welcomes Wecolmes! =) Good luck to you on here. I've found the site the be very helpful even in the week I've been actively using it. It's a lifestyle change for me, too. You can add me if you'd like for some support. Good luck to you!
  • suckerlove
    Welcome, feel free to add me if you need a friend
  • frank_1125
    Welcome to MFP. I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to add me. We can help each other along the way with our goals.
  • sbkelly9
    Hi and welcome to the site! It will really help you on your journey. Feel free to add me :)
  • JenniferSpindel
    JenniferSpindel Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it! Find the people/things that motivate you and speak up about your goals! You'd be surprised how supportive people can be when they think they're going to be able to help you. :)

    Does your apartment allow dogs? A great reason to walk everyday!

    Good luck to you!
  • AZxChick90
    AZxChick90 Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome new friend:) Add me :) i know where ur coming from. the beginning is the hardest but once you get that little extra push itll b a piece of cake :)
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me also :-)