New from London

Hi Everyone, i am new here but I am praying that this is my final attempt, I always try to go it alone and this hasnt worked for me in the past. So if you have any tips or words of advice these will be gratefully received.

Thanks J


  • AliciaAnne1984

    Welcome! I've only been at it for 2 weeks but so far it's going really well. Lots of support, advice and generally good info on here. Sending friend request now :)


  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Hey, just try and follow the steps that MFP tells you. Write everything down in your food diary, I mean everything, don't put a time on your weight loss (your body controls it, not you), don't compare your loss to overs (every body is different) and don't be too hard on yourself. I tell myself this, every day. It helps. Good Luck!
  • j3nn1f3rOj3nny
    j3nn1f3rOj3nny Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks AliciaAnne1984, you've done great for 2 weeks. I am inspired
  • j3nn1f3rOj3nny
    j3nn1f3rOj3nny Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advise AnnieMC77 i need all i can get right now, and I am guilty for beating up on myself when its no going fast enough. Will take it easy and think long term rather than instant gratification