Fess Up!

OK, purge your hidden secret ... what is the worst thing you ate today? Come on, be honest. We all slip up sometimes, what was your slip up today? And what can you learn from it?

Me? Mine was the numerous handfuls of animal crackers. ONE handful would have been ok, but I was a repeat offender, making it my worst thing for the day.

Now that I've recognized my naughtyness, I can take much more care about it in the future. Next time, I'll take a serving out of the container and put it in a dish, and put the container away. That way, I'll maintain portion control.

OK, fess up! YOUR'S??


  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    haha, for breakfast I had...

    Prime rib (around 6ish oz.)
    Scrambled egg whites
    Cottage Cheese w/ sliced strawberries and bananas
    a doughnut...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    I was just SUPER hungry. but I just had a salad w/ some tuna on top for lunch, and I'll eat a light dinner..
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    a doughnut...
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    You made me smile, yes, a doughnut is definitely elegible as something to fess up to.

    Anyone else brave enough to post theirs?
  • dzneygurl
    well i was having a great day until i started to put together the valentine snack bags for my co-workers...first it was just a twizzler, then another...followed by some tootsie rolls...whats so wrong is that i saved a bag for myself and have eatten the twizzler in the bag and i swear the blow pop is calling my name which i am thinking of taking a long with me on my walk...haha
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I took my kids to starbucks. I skipped the calorie-filled white chocolate mocha latte and instead got a peppermint tea. Then bought the kids one of those chocolate brownies. Decided I was only going to have one taste. Fortunately for me, the kids eat fast, but I was able to get three bites in....oh yeah, did i mention that I don't even like chocolate?
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    According to my clock its only 650am saturday morning.
    I havent eaten anything yet, but have 4 waters down the gullet.
    Time to pee !

    Let you know later what bad thing I eat today.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    A leerdammer mature cheese slice in my ham roll - could easily have done without it but it tasted soooo good :laugh:
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for asking. I bindged last night on chocolate and some salty brown rice chips. I knew as I was doing it that I'd pay for it today. I'm feeling so depressed because of it. It' looks like I'm even up a lb. It all started at lunch with the white slice of pizza with broccoli. (I thought I was being healthy because of the broccoli. NOT! ) to make matters worse, I can never eat just one slice so I had a slice of regular pie. Oh yea I had a pepsi with lunch. So I was back to my old way of thinking...........I screwed up so I might as well screw up the rest of the day. The only good thing I did yesterday was drink lots of water and exercise. So I'm going to get back on the wagon in hopes that the # is all water weight due to the high amounts of sodium I ingested yesterday. I will not let this send me on a downward spiral!
  • polyesterchesters
    polyesterchesters Posts: 81 Member
    I had a short tem relationship with a cupcake a few days ago.
  • lilshorde56
    soo i will confess!! this morning i was good bec last night......oh dear!!!!! i had a good day but then watched a movie with my family and out came the ice cream!!!! not only did i eat a cup of ice cream i took 5 gingersnaps and was dipping them in the ice cream as if they were chips!!!!!! dnt get me wrong it was prob the most delicious dessert ive has in a while lol but i feel very guilty afterward considering my little binge was about 510 calories and yest i took the day off the gym!!!!!! not to mention tomorrow is valentines day!! AHHHH!!!
  • zacharyjb
    I had two homemade peanut butter cookies, my absolute favorite!!! Life is way to short to not treat yourself every now and then, you just have to get right back on track. :smile:
  • tashanlouie
    Oh god mines worse than everyones :(
    I had a bag of sports wine gums, strawberry shoe laces, red bull, and a few choccies! so so naughty but they tasted sooo good!
  • Hopey1994
    I ate a rice krispie treat that a friend brought over as a thank you for babysitting. It was so good! :blushing:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I was horrible yesterday. I let myself get too hungry at breakfast time and wound up eating a donut that a kid brought for our Valentine's party. Then I got progressively worse after I learned I'd won the weight loss challenge for the month at work. I ate too many chips at the party, then proceeded to eat a huge meal at a mexican restaurant for dinner. The scale showed a 4 pounds weight gain in one day. I'm being super good today though and have already lost about half of it. I plan to go do my aerobics for 40 minutes in a little bit.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    My fess up for today is what I'm eating tomorrow(planned):blushing: Shrimp alfredo made w/ heavy cream and a homemade chocolate overdose cake:embarassed:
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    A bacon and egg bagel from McDonalds for breakfast.
    But I do that every Saturday, grin.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    today has been TERRIBLE! so here ya go
    Breakfast: Cocolate cupcake (no iccing) with peanut butter inside it.
    Lunch: left over kids cheese pizza.
    Few Whitman chocolates
    string cheese with a piece of ham wrapped around it.

    I feel like crap so I am eating like crap.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    OK, purge your hidden secret ... what is the worst thing you ate today? Come on, be honest. We all slip up sometimes, what was your slip up today? And what can you learn from it?

    Wow! Collectively, we have done some damage to the "control" factor of dieting. :tongue: But is is sooooo interesting how many of us have immediately spotted our problem, and could easily make some "plans for the future" to not have a repeat.

    For example, someone had an icecream treat that they would have rather not added to their day. Maybe next time have some sugar-free fudge bars in the freezer could head off the icecream problem.

    So, I"m going to add a reminder to this topic, "what can you learn from it". YOUR tip about YOUR experience might be just the tip that one of us needs! :bigsmile:
  • gym_rat
    skinny cow vanilla ice cream sandwich.
    not too bad.
    except I ate two.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    oh no, 5 girl scout samoa cookies (just picked them up today). i now have hundreds of them in my house but those will be my one and only taste!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    6 mini tootsie rolls outta my kids valentine bags that my aunt made for them..not too bad really, under 100 cals, they were truly enjoyable :happy: