always hungry girl needs advice


Basically, my problem is that I am always hungry. No matter how much I eat, and how bloated I feel, ten minutes later, I'll feel hungry again. I'm hungry before eating, during my meals, after... It's a pain in the a**...

Is anybody else experiencing this? I don't think it's because I eat unhealthy, I eat a lot of wholegrain staff, fruit end veggies,... just no meat. Or is there something physically wrong with me?

I heard chrome tablets lower your hunger feeling, but I'm a bit aversed to nutritional supplements. My feeling is, you should be able to get all you need out of a balanced, healthy diet.

Really need advice... My diary is open if anyone wants to look at my food habits.


  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Are you getting enough protein? It helps to fill you up and seems to keep you full longer. I didn't really believe this advice at first but have been having a banana smeared with peanut butter for breakfast the last few days and its great!

    Edit just looked at your diary and you are coming in under your recommended protein every day so this could be part of the problem.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    I was going to say the same thing. I have been an on/off dieter for so long but never knew that protein filled you up (didn't even know what protein was). I have been having scrambled eggs for breakfast with wholegrain toast and I haven't been hungry until lunchtime.
    If you are vegetarian, maybe just look up what other protein rich foods there are that you can have.
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    I've been trying to eat more protein lately, but still struggle to reach my daily goal.

    Well, I'm having salmon for lunch today, which is a protein bomb. Others have already told me to eat egg whites daily, but this is something new to me. I've been raised with the idea eggs were bad for you. everything that has eggs in it is somehow unhealthy (cakes, mayonaise, desserts,...) and the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer... Now, I just toss the yolk in the garbage bin and try to eat only the whites, but I'm a bit disappointed as to the amount of protein I get, eating that. I thought it would be more...

    thanks for the advice, everyone! Guess I'm going to have to start eating cashew nuts for breakfast :laugh:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Up the protein and fiber.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer... Now, I just toss the yolk in the garbage bin and try to eat only the whites

    Eat the whole egg. That is a common misconception :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer... Now, I just toss the yolk in the garbage bin and try to eat only the whites

    Eat the whole egg. That is a common misconception :)
  • jenneal89
    I used to be like that when I ate processed foods and from years of eating way too much. I was 145lbs at 5'6" and in one sitting I could eat a whole deep dish medium piazza from pizza hut, 5 breadsticks, large coke, and a large bowl of ice cream chocolate syrup or half a sheet cake. That's the only way I felt full but about 10min later I was 'hungry' again. I really wasn't but after years of stuffing myself silly my body no linger told me when I was full until I was WAY too full and once that uncomfortably full feeling went away my body thought I was hungry again. I didn't drink enough water either. I do have a fast metabolism as well. Even after I switched to eating healthy food it was the same until I started eating several small meals per day and reducing my portions. I felt really hungry for the first week but after my stomach shrunk a bit it was fine. Now I eat until I'm not hungry instead if until I'm full. Idk if this could be the same with you.

    Edited to say: I also never exercised. Didn't even go for walks. I had a sedentary job then watched tv while I was home. Shopping was the only exercise I did. Now I exercise and that also helps me to feel less hungry (except if I swim. That makes me ravenous)
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    You might try eating some 0% Greek Yogurt (or Fromage Blanc where I live) with two tablespoons of oat or wheat bran mixed in for bulk. This ups the protein and is very low cal and the bran fills you up.
  • pocketmel
    I feel hungry all the time too. I may be off the mark but stress may be a factor for you. I know it is for me. I wear myself out becuase of stress and I need to eat. When I am not stressed, I never feel hungry.
    OH and I was wondering, I get hungrier eating 6 small meals a day-why is that?
  • C110266
    C110266 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey. I learned that if you eat less carbs (under 100 per day) and eat more protien you wont be hungry. I was in the same boat until a week ago. I went to yet another new doc and she instantly said, 100 carbs or less a day and more protien. I have been doing this for one week and have lost 10lbs this week alone. I feel so much better and by golly I am NOT hungry. I cannot believe it. I have several thin friends that say they are never hungry which REALLY bothered me. I don't want to be hungry. This seems to be doing the trick. You will be surprised how many carbs there are in fresh fruits. 27 in a banana alone! Some veggies are loaded too. You can have them but just pay attn just even for a week and see what happens. I am very satisfied during my meals and have not eaten after dinner which has been my biggest downfall. Dang carbs make your blood sugar levels go nuts causing the extra "hunger". Really think this will help. Try it. Please.
  • shedpoundsforgood
    you may not be just hungry try having green tea itsgood for you and you may not be hungry just thirsty also eggs fill you up slow release food to hepl you fell fuller for longer
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I've been trying to eat more protein lately, but still struggle to reach my daily goal.

    Well, I'm having salmon for lunch today, which is a protein bomb. Others have already told me to eat egg whites daily, but this is something new to me. I've been raised with the idea eggs were bad for you. everything that has eggs in it is somehow unhealthy (cakes, mayonaise, desserts,...) and the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer... Now, I just toss the yolk in the garbage bin and try to eat only the whites, but I'm a bit disappointed as to the amount of protein I get, eating that. I thought it would be more...

    thanks for the advice, everyone! Guess I'm going to have to start eating cashew nuts for breakfast :laugh:

    1. Looks to me like you generally aren't eating enough. You're consuming 1200-ish calories/day, but netting 800 some days. Eat back your exercise calories - your deficit for weight loss is already built into your base calories/day. Eat more. That's why you're hungry.

    2. It's not the egg in cakes and desserts that's bad for you....

    3. Ingested cholesterol does not have a direct cause/effect on blood cholesterol.
  • pocketmel
    A banana ! Gosh in the past year alone I have eaten rice, bananas on a daily basis. Lots of take out food. That explains alot. Thanks!
  • Aereon
    Aereon Posts: 27 Member
    and the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer...

    If you're 26 as your profile says, you really don't need to be overly concerned about an extra egg or two's worth of cholesterol. This is more of a concern for older/at risk people.
  • wswing
    wswing Posts: 39 Member
    Up the protein and fiber.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I see these type of posts often, and then I go look at the diary.

    One thing that frequently jumps out at me is the number of foods entered.

    There aren't very many.

    You are staying in your calorie goals, which is good, but you, and others, who have this complaint, don't seem to be eating much.

    My diary is open. Without even looking at what the foods are, notice how many different things I am eating every day.

    I used to be someone who was always hungry, and that's what got me in this mess.

    I make an effort to eat often, and a lot.

    But, I try to eat clean as much as possible (fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, low fat milk products, lean proteins). A couple cups of salad has less than 100 calories, but I eat it without dressing, and have a big glass of water with it, and it helps keep me full.

    Aim for some protein and some complex carbs at every meal, drink lots and lots of water, and eat a lot of veggies. Avoid prepared foods as much as possible.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I've been trying to eat more protein lately, but still struggle to reach my daily goal.

    Well, I'm having salmon for lunch today, which is a protein bomb. Others have already told me to eat egg whites daily, but this is something new to me. I've been raised with the idea eggs were bad for you. everything that has eggs in it is somehow unhealthy (cakes, mayonaise, desserts,...) and the egg yolk is a cholestorol killer... Now, I just toss the yolk in the garbage bin and try to eat only the whites, but I'm a bit disappointed as to the amount of protein I get, eating that. I thought it would be more...

    thanks for the advice, everyone! Guess I'm going to have to start eating cashew nuts for breakfast :laugh:

    1. Looks to me like you generally aren't eating enough. You're consuming 1200-ish calories/day, but netting 800 some days. Eat back your exercise calories - your deficit for weight loss is already built into your base calories/day. Eat more. That's why you're hungry.

    2. It's not the egg in cakes and desserts that's bad for you....

    3. Ingested cholesterol does not have a direct cause/effect on blood cholesterol.

    This ^^ says it perfectly.

    You need a lot more food, that's why you're hungry. The Protein setting here is a MINIMUM not a maximum. So you need to be hitting that nuber at minimum. Eat the eggs. Do the research, that whole "eggs are bad" thing has been proven to be false. Eggs are packed with inexpensive nutrition.

    Try tuna if you are eating fish. Nuts. need to be eating a lot more protein.
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    I know my calories are to low, but I find it hard to eat more calories a day and still keep it healthy. My meals are allready stuffed, and I feel full eating them, but the full feeling goes away really fast. Processed foods are something I rarely eat. The salmon for lunch was about 40g protein, at 4pm I had two nut bars and a slice of bread with cheese, and I also had two eggs for dinner with vegetables. But I know I'll be hungry in half an hour...
    I also eat quinoa two/three times a week, but I'll try to up that a bit. I found Quinoa flakes in a organic shop yesterday, so I'm thinking of having that for breakfast, along with a banana and soy milk. that should fill me up...
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm a HUGE eater. always have been and always will be.

    what works for me is eating calorie dense stuff like protein : eggs, avocados, chicken seafood etc. this helps feel me up. i also try to not really on stuff like cereal, potatoes, rice, granola bars, etc since these have the same amount of calories as the protein BUT they do little to curb my appetite.

    for 200 cals i could have a nice chicken thigh and huge salad and not be hungry for hours but if i were to have a bowl of cereal for that same amount of calories i'd be hungry again in 60 minutes
  • WannaBSkinnyBride
    Protein will definitely keep you not feeling hungry. I'm on a diet in which I eat 900 calories a day max (and no one please give me the you're not eating enough crap - it's a diet prescribed by my doctor and monitored by another doctor). While I am only eating 800 to 900 calories a day, I'm eating about 80 to 100 g of protein. Sometimes I feel like I can't even finish what I'm eating because each meal/snack has 12 to 15 g of protein.

    Also, drink water. Lots and lots of water. A lot of the time we mistake thirst for hunger. If you just ate and you feel hungry 20 minutes later...think about it. How could you possibly ACTUALLY be hungry? (if you are eating enough to begin with) Chug some water. Make sure you have at least 8 glasses a day. Sometimes I'm still thirsty after that much water and I'll reach 9 to 10 glasses. I never realized how thirsty I was until I started drinking the water my body needed.