the last few freaking pounds



  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I think many people in this thread are trying to give you the advice to lose the last 5 lbs. I know you don't want to lift, but if you want to lose that last 5lbs and possibly some inches too it might be what you need to do to get to your weight goals.

    I agree with the others that you should lift. It may not be what you want to hear but it's great advice to get down to your weight goals.
  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    Im struggling with this too!! Its alot harder now then it was before. Ive been switching up the exercise and my calorie intake lately and i just saw a loss. Everytime it budges its time to switch something up
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I've been 5lbs away from my "initial" goal for a while now. Last month I only lost about 1.5 lbs :-( Its a lot less than I wanted but at least I've kept it off. Its important that you don't get fixated on scale numbers or even just one goal, because it can hinder your overall progress. Keep moving forward with your goals of getting toned and the weight will eventually come off. gaining more muscle can help you burn more cals throughout the day and possibly help you get over your hump, so go for it and don't let setbacks hold you back.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    We know this wasn't a questions about weather to lift or not. You were expressing a desire to lose the last few pounds. We are telling you to let go of this desire. I do understand the want to be at a certain weight. I wanted to be under 150lbs for a really long time. I did it a few years ago. Now I weigh around 160 and look better and don't care about being under some silly goal weight and it's a much more enjoyable state of mind.
  • jdoll1
    jdoll1 Posts: 1 Member
    I've read the whole string of responses. If that magic number is so important to you then do it. It won't be healthly. You'll have to starve yourself. It will be hard and you will most likely gain it right back. You will be irritable. Lose by dropping your current calorie intake by 100-150 per day. Eat vegetables, protein and a little oil. LITTLE OIL. Cut out all carbs for a week, not the carbs in vegetables unles it is starch carbs. No peas, corn, beans or potatoes. Do you like sardines? Eating the whole fish keeps the starving from damaging your health, to an extent. Steamed broccolli helps you feel full. JUST ONE WEEK. Good luck.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Plateaued for coming up to 4 months, with just 7 lb to go. I do a lot of strength training, and yes I lift heavy, as well as cardio. I am still technically overweight, but I can wear the same size clothes I used to wear 15 years ago when I weighed 33 lb less. I don't want to get smaller, so I may just stop trying to lose those few extra pounds and stick at where I am now. The scales are just one way of measuring your progress, being the right size with low body fat is more important to me.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    LorinaLyn - You did GREAT, and look great! Living proof, as I often tell people in real life, that after a certain point, the scale doesn't tell the whole story. Firm, muscular weight ALWAYS looks more compact than unconditioned, fatter weight, even if the numbers are pretty close, like your experience. Awesome!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I think many people in this thread are trying to give you the advice to lose the last 5 lbs. I know you don't want to lift, but if you want to lose that last 5lbs and possibly some inches too it might be what you need to do to get to your weight goals.

    I agree with the others that you should lift. It may not be what you want to hear but it's great advice to get down to your weight goals.

    It's not that I don't lift at all. I understand resistance is important but I am not going to focus on that right now. In my family women have large thighs and I would like to lose a couple more pounds because they don't need to be bigger. I'm not daft. I understand what is being said, but for my body and my goals beginning to deadlift will not work. I wanted to know how others lost the last five pounds, I don't need a string of posts telling me to throw my scale out the window and that my goal to lose a couple more pounds is irrelevant.
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    This was the advice given to me:

    1. Cut your sodium to 1,000 mg a day.
    2. Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.
    3. Cut out processed foods.
    4. Abstain from alcohol.
    5. Train at 85 percent of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 1 hour 5 times a week.

    It worked for me. Tailor it to fit you. I hope it helps.
  • becon1022
    i have a easy way theres a little knob on the front of your scale if you turn it so the line is to the right of 0 then step on it your lose those 5lbs, or just weight on a different scale and hopefully that one makes you hit your magic #. but seriously i know the scale at home weights me less then the one at the gym. i think thats the point everyone is trying to make about the scale, anything & everything can throw it off. if you truely want to know if you are losing fat/getting "fit" take pictures, do measurements, & have your body fat taken. you should have already been "toning" you can get lean sexy muscle & still lose weight & more importantly become strong, powerful, & healthy "fit". also being "toned" will help you look smaller to the eye promise. but lifting heavier or adding an extra weight day into your program & doing the food changes everyone suggested maybe exactly what you need to lose that extra 5lbs. but i know to a lot of people getting to that certain weight means everything so i hope you get to your goal, good luck.
  • becon1022
    i just looked at your profile & i think you look great. plus i read where you said big thighs run in your family, i know it probably doesnt mean much from a stranger but your legs from what i could see DO NOT look big at all. i dont (again i know it want change your mind) see your you need to really lose any more weight, & because you are so small it will be hard to lose any more weight. i believe if you did add more protein & ate a little cleaner, then add a extra day or go just a little heavier, once you added some new lean muscle you would love the way you look even if you didnt lose those 5lbs. plus even if you lose 5lbs, its not guaranteed that any would be thight width, if thats what you are hoping for, esp if thats a problem area for your family. but again good luck wish i could give you a guaranteed 5lb weight lose solution, but you have done a great job so far & look great so im sure you will reach your goal.
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Last November I was 4lbs away from my goal weight, I had been sitting in that range for a month. The holidays came and I gave in, I had been down 52lbs! I gained everything back. Do not lose sight of your goal, or focus. Hit the gym, and hit it hard, eat right, and you will see the result, I don't know why the last few pounds stay with us, but it won't matter to me if it happens again. I

    t's about a lifestyle change, not a couple of pounds to me anymore.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Quote from Steve Troutman of Body Improvements:
    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."

    You can chase that arbitrary number on the scale that you've decided is so important and make yourself nuts as you seems to be doing or your can get focused on more apropriate priorities. Choice is yours.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I understand where you're coming from, but it is very important to me to be below a certain number. Trying to prove to myself that I can do it.

    im the same way!.. Family members are already telling me to stop, that the weight I wanna reach is too low blah blah blah (its a perfectly healthy weight for my height). Yeah might be low, if we compare it to the rest of my life, but I have to prove myself I can do it.
    The closer you get to your GW the harder it gets for sure, im there myself and arghhhh :grumble:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think many people in this thread are trying to give you the advice to lose the last 5 lbs. I know you don't want to lift, but if you want to lose that last 5lbs and possibly some inches too it might be what you need to do to get to your weight goals.

    I agree with the others that you should lift. It may not be what you want to hear but it's great advice to get down to your weight goals.

    It's not that I don't lift at all. I understand resistance is important but I am not going to focus on that right now. In my family women have large thighs and I would like to lose a couple more pounds because they don't need to be bigger. I'm not daft. I understand what is being said, but for my body and my goals beginning to deadlift will not work. I wanted to know how others lost the last five pounds, I don't need a string of posts telling me to throw my scale out the window and that my goal to lose a couple more pounds is irrelevant.

    Your thighs are not going to get larger unless you eat in a surplus. It is very hard for Women to gain muscle since we don't have the hormones to do it.

    Bottom line is, you need to keep eating in a deficit, lift more and do cardio... period.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Quote from Steve Troutman of Body Improvements:
    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."

    You can chase that arbitrary number on the scale that you've decided is so important and make yourself nuts as you seems to be doing or your can get focused on more apropriate priorities. Choice is yours.

    Best advice I've read in a long time. I struggle with what the scale says at times, however it really isn't important what that number says. My weight hasn't really changed in about a month or two. Same 5lbs keep fluctuating, however, my clothing size keeps going down. If I had to choose between the scale going down or my body looking better, I would pick the better body any day.

    The scale is just one tool to measure progress. Try taking pictures to compare the progress.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I understand where you're coming from, but it is very important to me to be below a certain number. Trying to prove to myself that I can do it.

    I can relate to that too... but sometimes getting below that number and STAYING there just takes a little longer when you do it right. :wink: