Earndit - Get rewarded for healthy living!

I just discovered this today, and thought I'd share...This site called Earndit rewards points for those who try to live more active lifestyles. It has a variety of apps that you can use and automatically sync to the site (including Fitbit, Nike+, Endomondo, and Foursquare, to name a few). Logging in at the gym or tracking a workout with these apps gives you points, and you can redeem those points for various gift cards and other rewards.

If you join via my link at http://earnd.it/UB1vPz you can start off with 50 bonus points.

I don't know about you, but I need all of the incentives that I can get to keep moving! I'm glad to be able to add this one to the list. DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME ON EARNDIT!


  • flirzhja
    This is awesome! I am a Nike+ user. I've been very active since June. Earndit will be another reinforcement and motivator for me. Looking forward to following you on Earndit. Thanks very much!