
Hi guys! I was wondering, which one of you is doing the squat exercise and whats the current weight you re lifting?
Im at 77kg and atm hesitating to add more weights. I've heard we arent supposed to do the same training more than once, if thats true, what do you suggest I should do?

I want to keep doing this exercise, but im thinking how will the weight adding progress through the months? Is there a limit on how much we should lift?


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    ve heard we arent supposed to do the same training more than once, if thats true, what do you suggest I should do?

    No you can squat multiple times per week with no problems, Olympic lifters squat 6-7 days a week!!!

    Add 2.5kilos per week, your limit is however much weight you can squat while maintaining good form. Once form starts to break down, back off then work back up.
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    My max squat was 185 pounds... and I only weigh around 125, and I've just been trying to add as much weight as I can without risking my form. I initially only performed half squats but I realized my quads were getting a lot stronger than my hamstrings by doing that, so I have recently lowered the weight to around 135 and have been going as low as I can. It's been a few months of doing my full squats and I have no knee issues. So, just find what works for you, and make sure to develop all parts of your leg in order to avoid a muscle imbalance. Also, don't be afraid to add weight!!! it seriously gives you an awesome butt!!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I squat 3x5 mon\wed\fri and add 5lbs every time. Last week it was 225, 230, 235 I am 6' 180lbs so novice level
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    no limit on weight, lift as much as you can and still keep correct form.

    i'm still a novice too because I need to work on my hip and ankle flexibility as well as balance. i'm currently squatting 135 but hope to be at 175 by year end. i squat 5*5 one day a week, the other 2 days of lifting are for deadlifts and oly lifts
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I injured my back at 195 and have been building back up.
    I'm at 165 right now.

    I add 10lbs every squat workout, and squat 3x a week (so +30lbs a week)

    My wife stopped at 185. She was squatting 3 times a week, adding 5lbs each workout for 15lbs a week.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    The starting strength and stronglifts routines have you squatting 3 days a week.
  • misslili22
    Hey Hendrix, sorry, english isnt my native language, i meant not the same training as in same sets-reps ;)
  • misslili22
    Thanks alot everyone! I started doing it in March, Mon and Fri and then next week only Wed. That has been my routine up to now. Its just such a great exercise and i dont want to stop doing it just cos im not able to add weights..Im doing one more rep to my sets as i continue until im sure i can add more..
  • misslili22
    I didnt know i could lower the weight and go as low as i can, its a good option! I thought lowering it would mess up my routine and the progress i ve been having. Thanks, i might as well do that from next week! :)