Zumba fitness?

I am trying to find a good workout that I can do in home. Was really inspired by the 30 day shred videos but saw a few videos on zumba and thought that might be good too? Has anyone on here done zumba fitness and stuck with it? Any before and after pics? And if you didn't like zumba... what in home workout worked for you and kept you going?


  • I tried Zumba, and it turned out that I didn't have the exact coordination for it. I couldn't stay on beat with the instructor. Personally, I prefer traditional exercises like running, swimming, biking, and the occasional weight lifting for tone. Just find whatever moves you and makes you happy, and stick with that. The more you enjoy something, the easier it is for you to stay committed.
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah. I am not too sure about zumba for that same reason.
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    If you like dancing it's a great little added workout. I used to do the 20 minute express after my 30DS, which was a fun way to burn a little more. I could go all out for 30DS, and then dance a little at the end to keep my HR up a bit longer and burn extra.

    If you do the longer workouts, it should also be good on it's own a few days a week, maybe on days between harder workouts. And there's no need to be a good dancer, as long as you like to dance ;)
  • I have both versions of Zumba for the Wii.. I loved it because I could prance around like an idiot in the comfort of my room, but it didn't really do anything for me physically.
    It's fun but I wouldn't really class it as full-on exercise!
  • I do zumba but at the gym two days per week. I wear my HRM and burn about 900-1200 calories per each workout! Love it.
  • I started Zumba at home, loved it. Then moved into classes at the gym when i got the hang of it and I love it even more now :) In a class I usually burn around 600 cals, and have a ball doing it!!
  • I lost 20lbs in just over a month with zumba.. had to stop when I got ill though and put the weight back on. But my point is- Zumba is amazing :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I have zumba videos. I really enjoy doing it at home. I am not very coordinated, but it doesn't matter, it is just a matter of having fun and moving to the beat.I did lose weight. I don't do it every day though.
  • ZumbaholicEmz
    ZumbaholicEmz Posts: 20 Member
    Zumba is the best work out ever. I go to my local class and have zumba on the wii. It has changed my life! I love the music, the dances, it has helped me to lose weight and to tone all over. It has also helped me out with self esteem, anxiety and quality of life overall. My mum also has lost loads of weight doing zumba. It is THE BEST! I cannot fault it. xxxx
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I am a SAHM/Student so money is tight with us, I cant afford all these new DVD workout systems and gym memberships, so I just set my laptop up on the kitchen counter, and I go on youtube.com , you can get tons of free workouts and full zumba classes, I make a playlist of different zumba songs and do those routines, my playlist is an hour, I just set the timer for however long i have, I even will do just one song while cooking lunch for the kids.
  • I have Zumba for my Wii and LOVE it!!!! I used to dread doing exercises and going to the gym. But Zumba is so much fun I look forward to it. I am not very coordinated, but who cares. No one sees me.
  • lowm8nance
    lowm8nance Posts: 30 Member
    Zumba is a blast! I do it purely for fun at the gym 3 times a week and it burns a lot of calories. It's my playtime. BUT, be careful to protect your back, knees and ankles. If your trying to keep up and not already fairly fit, you could hurt yourself.
  • jazzyali
    jazzyali Posts: 78 Member
    Strictly counting calories and Zumba:

    IMG_1823 by jazzyali1323, on Flickr

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Love Zumba. I go to classes twice a week right now, wish they had more. I also have zumba for the wii and like that too.
  • i love Zumba, also not coordinated. I do zumba gold 2x a week at my gym and then do the 20 min express when I get a chance at home, i have found some good you tube videos that will give you a good work out, just search zumba on youtube and start. I started July 9th and have lost 29lbs but that was a combination of lower calories, some cardio and zumba. I would definitely recommend zumba as a good work out.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I use Zumba on the Wii, and love it. I have NO coordination, so I would never do zumba in a class. But the Wii keeps track of how accurate your movement is, and "rewards" you with fireworks, and percentages, so you're motivated to stay on -beat and energetic. I burn a lot of calories, and generally can't talk while I'm doing it, so I guess that's an indicator that it's a good workout.

    I also like the 30 DS, but like a lot of people, developed knee problems while doing it, surely from using bad form.
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    I'm in love with my Zumba. I lost an entire inch off my tummy in September, and I look like a dumba$$ doing it...but idc. It's incredible. I do the videos, and I'm in love with them. :)
  • sarahsummers12
    sarahsummers12 Posts: 128 Member
    I love my zumba too - I only do it at home... and I do it most days of the week.. it's awesome and you can feel where it is working :-)
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    I've lost 93 lbs thanks to Zumba! :smile:
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA - i do it in a class because I just can't exercise at home with 2 young kids.